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"Arrrrrgh! Just turn it off!" I groan as I turn in bed. I stretch my arm towards the bedside table, my hand searching for the screeching alarm clock. My hand wanders for the tiny box of hell disturbing my sleep. The sound comes to an abrupt stop, my eyes feeling heavy and warm from the deep slumber I was in. I sit up slowly, stretching my arms above my head, releasing all the tension that had built up in my muscles. I throw the blanket off my body and fling my legs over the side of the bed. My feet touching the cold wood on the floor as I stood. The cold air nipped at my skin, sending shivers and goosebumps up my spine as I made my way to the bathroom. Today is the first day of my campus life in Paris. My mind still slowly powering up as my body sluggishly prepares my morning rituals. 

"First day of school, need to make a somewhat decent impression. Though not something crazy so I can just ghost and stay out of peoples way." My finger wrap around a knob to turn on the shower, the steam filling the bathroom. The warm water hits my skin and causes my muscles to relax. I quickly clean myself up and choose my desired outfit. I grab a bag I had packed the previous night after Rae and Rose had left for their home, leaving my to sort out my things before I went to bed. Allowing me to have extra time to take the scenic route to campus and grab a bite to eat. My phone chimes, alerting me I have a new message. 

Rae - Morning sleeping beauty! Just wanted to know if you wanted to meet up at the café just down the road? My friend works there and I want to introduce you two! She goes to the same campus as you so I thought it may make things easier if you get to know each other!

I bite my lip slightly, not fully prepared to meet one of Rae's friends so suddenly. I quickly push away any worrying thoughts, knowing this would indeed make it easier to have at least one person I know on campus.

(Y/N) - Sounds good, what's the address? Ill put it through on maps and make my way there now.

Rae sends through the address and I proceed to follow the instructions towards the café. Though before long, my nose picks up a sweet aroma and begins to lead my there itself. My nose slowly engulfs the sweet scent and I can feel my stomach grumble at the thought of the sweet pastries and sweets. I pick up my pace ever so slightly and see Rae in the distance.

"Woah, you seem eager! What's up with you?" She raises a brow and chuckles as I walk to her side.

"That smell! Wow its making me hungry!" I sweetly smile, wanting to indulge in the mystery sweets. Rae laughs as she pushes open the cafes doors, allowing us to walk in and be welcomed by a girl with dark hair behind the counter. 

"Rae! Welcome, its been a while!" The girl behind the counter beams and smiles, her eyes quickly settling on me.

"Who might your friend be? I haven't seen him around before?" She questions with curiosity. her taps at her pale lips wondering who I am.

"This is (Y/N)! An old friend I met while I was studying abroad a few years back! He moved here recently to study at the campus you're at now! So you could say the tables have turned haha!" She laughs throwing an arm around my shoulders. I wave awkwardly, my thoughts too distracted from my stomach growling in hungry.

"Hello (Y/N)! Nice to meet you, my name is Marinette. Looking forward to spending time with you!" She gives me a gentle and warm smile. I watch her grab a few things from behind the counter before making her way around to stand in front of us.

"Here, these were just freshly baked!" She hands me and Rae each a freshly cooked croissant smothered in butter. My eyes beam at the stunning sight. I thank her for the food and take a bite, my eyes gleaming in pure bliss.

"This is so good! How is it so amazing?" I exclaim taking another bite. Marinette laughs and points to a man coming from out the bake with a try.

"My father himself baked those! Best in town in my opinion!" She proudly smiles, her dad giving a cheeky wink letting my know of his work. I give him a smile and a thumbs up as my mouth is full of the delicious food. 

"Well then (Y/N), since I am on my way to the campus now, would you like for me to accompany you? I can show you around!" Marinette smiles as she puts her bag on and makes her way towards the door. Rae chirps in agreement.

"That's a good idea, saves the whole lost student on the first day of school schtick!" She says nodding. I thank Marinette and proceed to follow her out the door, saying bye to Rae as she heads towards work to open the shop. Me and Marinette exchange words, getting to know each other along the way. Though our conversation is cut short once we arrive to the campus, walking into the large gates that loom over me. I hesitate in my step, before taking a deep breath and following after Marinette.

"You don't have to worry about anything at all (Y/N)! The students here are really friendly! Though one of them may be questionable... though she tries her best!" She smiles. I raise a brow in wonder, not knowing who this girl is that Marinette speaks of. We both walk into a large lecture room, taking our seat within the middle.

"Luckily we have similar classes, expect sports academic... Though I can introduce you too someone who is in that class so you have someone you know! Either way, welcome to the campus life (Y/N)! I hope you enjoy yourself!" She beams in excitement.  I thank her for her words and quickly unpack my bag of all the necessary things I may need for the lecture. The room quickly fills with other students, making my anxiety levels rise ever so slightly. The lecturer walks in, paper and files in hand. His body language emitting the stereotypical tired teacher. Large coffee in one hand along with a tired like appearance/messy attire. He adjusts his glasses and skims over his papers.

"Alright class, though its still early morning and we are all still trying our best to wake up our brains. Id like to use the little energy I have so far to welcome a new student, (Y/N) (L/N) to our class! Its a pleasure to have you here with us. I do hope you enjoy your time here and see what you can do in this course. My name is Mr Aude, Ill be teaching you throughout this time and taking you through your papers." He gives me a warm smile, then quickly takes a huge swig of his coffee, his eyes widely opening for a second from the caffeine hit. Half way through the lecture, I feel eyes prying at the back of my head. I take a quick look over my shoulder, my eyes connecting with a shiny emerald green gaze. The owner of those beautiful eyes smiling with a quick flick of his wrist, signaling a wave. His soft gaze never leaving my eyes as I awkwardly wave back and turn around to focus on the lecture. My body temperature slightly rises, my mind vividly focusing on the color of his eyes. Captivating. 

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