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*WARNING : Consumption of alcohol is present in this chapter. Proceed with caution or skip if you arent comfortable with this. You have been warned.*


The weekend is here, me and Rae sit in my room getting ready for the small meet up happening soon. Though I guess you can say I'm the one getting ready since Rae is just waiting on me to make up my mind on what I want to wear.

"Dude, (Y/N), just pick an outfit and let's go! We are going to be late if you don't hurry up!" Rae groans while laying on my bed. I analyze the current outfit I have on, looking closer in the mirror. I shake my head no and start to strip, Rae groaning even louder.

"You know, for a guy you seem to care way too much about your appearance!" I roll my eyes at her and throw my shirt at her face.

"Hey eyes closed!" I disregard her previous comment and continue to figure out an outfit.

"I don't see why I need to close my eyes when you know I'm gay as fuck." She removes the shirt from her face and throws at my back. She complies anyway to my request of having her eyes closed as I change. I finally set on an outfit and grab my essentials.

"Finally!!! Let's go get shitfaced!" Rae cheers, dashing out the door. I chuckle following after her.

"Hey, I never said I was gonna get drunk. I'll be the sober driver for tonight." I say locking up the shop behind us and walking over to Rae's car, a 1984 Toyota corolla AE86. I don't understand what's so special about it and I don't always question why she has such an old car that costs her a fortune to fix all the times. 

"You know, I just don't get why you haven't upgraded your ride? You always complain about the problems but never actually get rid of it." I say getting into the passenger seat.

"Hey! She is a beauty okay? It's an acquired taste and attracts all the right women I'm after than you very much!" She exclaims without hesitation.

"She is my pride and joy no matter how much shit I may talk!" Rae starts to drive towards the meet up location where the small gathering is happening. The drive isn't too long and we come to a bit of a bumpy halt once we park. 

"Oh I am not excited to drive you home at all..." I say with pure dread appearing on my face. I exit the vehicle and gently close the door behind me. My eyes gaze upon the bars sign and I take a deep breath to try calm the nerves. Rae gives me a smile as we both walk towards the entrance, making our way inside. My eyes catch Adrien instantly as we walk in. How could you miss those blonde locks and green eyes of his? He just stands out like that. 

"Rae! (Y/N)!" Marinette see's us standing at the entrance and calls us over. We sit around the table they have acquired and we are handed a small menu of platters/snacks and drinks. I look up from my menu and see Adrien sitting across from me. He shots me a smile as he takes a sip from his drink, making me slightly surprised as I just never imagined seeing him with a beer in his hand. He notices my change of expression and raises a brow.

"You okay? Is something wrong?" He places his beer back down onto the table, leaning his head in the palm of his hand. I chuckle slightly.

"Nothing wrong, just didn't take you for a beer kind of guy is all!" I reply with a small gleam in my eyes.

"What type of guy did you take me for then?" He leans forward, curious to hear my answer. 

"You seemed more like a sophisticated wine type of guy to me honestly" I laugh, lifting the menu to cover my mouth slightly so he doesn't catch me laughing. His mouth opens slightly in shock and then turns into laughter.

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