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*WARNING : Consumption of alcohol is present in this chapter. Proceed with caution or skip if you arent comfortable with this. You have been warned.*

This is a repeat of the last chapter! This is seen through Adrien's POV. Enjoy ~


Adrien's POV

"Think he will actually show up Plagg?" I ponder staring up at my wall, thinking if (Y/N) will actually show up. I place my arms behind my head to prop my head up ever so slightly to get a good look at the Kwami. His dark silhouette hunched over slightly as he devours his food in one quick gulp.

"Adrien, you worry too much. I'm sure your little lover boy will be there!" He says with his mouth full of food. I roll my eyes.

"He is not- He is not my lover boy. I just want to get to know him better is all!" I pull my chest forward and sit up. I check the time on my phone, seeing it was time for me to start getting ready for the get together. I walk over to my closet, searching for an appropriate outfit. 

"Something casual, it's just a regular hang out / get together!" I throw on some ripped blue jeans along with a red shirt and jacket. I quickly pull on some converse high tops and make my way down to the front door. I swipe up my keys by the front door, the sound of the metal filling my ears as I walk towards my car. With a quick turn of the key, the engine roars and I wait for the car to warm up. I stroll through my phone, seeing the picture (Y/N) took of himself for his contact picture. I chuckle and smile at how cute he looks. I turn off my phone, placing it in my pocket and proceed to drive to the meet up location.

"Ah, there's Nino now." I pull up to a parking space, turning off the engine and getting out. I lock my car behind me as I walk up to where Nino stands in front of the bar. 

"Hey man! What took you so long?" Nino chirps adjusting his cap as he gives me a quick fist bump. I chuckle at his words, shaking my head.

"Actually I'm right on time! If anything I'm surprised you turned up on time!" I nudge at his shoulder, teasing him and his punctuality. I walk into the bar, Nino following close behind as we make our way over to the seating area. As I take a seat Nino stays standing.

"I'm just gonna grab us a couple of drinks. Want your usual?" He asks with a slight raise of his brow. A grin pulls at my lips.

"Sounds good to me, thanks man!" I watch him walk towards the bar to order us some drinks. I check the time to see if everyone else will be arriving soon. It's close to 9 at night, which is our time meet up... So I'm sure they'll turn up soon. As if on cue, the three girls - Marinette, Alya and Chloe walk in. I greet them each as they walk over to our table, Chloe heading straight over to the bar where Nino stands waiting for our drinks.

"Hey Adrien! How's it?" Alya sings with a grin as she takes a seat. I converse with the two girls while Chloe and Nino make their way over with some snacks and drinks. I take a long sip of the cold beer and sigh in relief.

"So we are just missing (Y/N) then right?" Marinette pipes up while grabbing a snack. I nod in response, checking the time to see he is running a little bit late. I furrow my brows slightly, feeling my mood drop a tad at the thought of him not showing. 

"I'm sure he will turn up in any minute!" Nino chimes in, leaning forward to catch my eyes, making sure I heard him. I give him a weary smile.

"Yeah, I'm sure he is just running a bit behind schedule!" I reassure myself. As I take one last swig as I see the girls look towards the entrance. My curiosity getting the best of me as I glance over in that general direction. My eye lock with (E/C) eyes, my heart skipping a slight beat realizing who they belong to. The shone ever so slightly under the florescent light from the bar. My eyes never leave his as he walks in.

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