The White Coffin

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Copyright: *Sob* It's MINE!!!*Sob*

After a quick wash we are taken by the arms by the men and led away from our room.

"Well look what we have here. Ain't this a nice mating bite."One of the guards mentions as we continue on our way,  I shiver as he rubs his finger against the bite Azim bestowed upon me.

"Touch him and I will kill you" I turn to look at my mate.

"Okay, okay big guy. It's not like either of you will be around much anyways." I decide not to dwell on his words as we proceed. We all stay quiet after this exchange and instead concentrate on heading to Belial's throne room. Once we get there I already know because of the big ass wooden doors. I swear, could they get any bigger? No better way to say there is something really important here than having a big ass set of doors with four guards around it. One of the guards steps up and knocks on the door before pushing it open.

"Sir, here they are."

"Very well, leave them."

Quickly we are shoved into the room and the massive doors are closed behind us, with a hollow thud. I study the room, around us. It's big, and has many columns, I'm pretty sure the walls are made of gold, or at least that's what it looks like. Everything else including the sofas and chairs are all a smoky blood red. It's a very nice throne room. Especially for such a swine like him. There he is still sitting proudly on his throne full of himself as always.

"Welcome, please make yourselves comfortable."He suggests gesturing to the plush sofa. We both glance at it but ignore his request, and remain standing.

"Very well then. I am sure you are both aware that you and your comrades are as of last night trespassing on the Kanza Clans soil. You both know the penalties for this offense I believe. Your death is scheduled for noon. I hope this gives you some time to say your goodbyes." Azim and I just stare at him. I watch as Belial's gaze moves over my neck. "It is unfortunate Wyatt that you are no longer part of my clan, but I assure you we will not be missing your presence for much longer."

"Nor I yours" I answer back.

His face tightens, and he stands quickly walking towards us. "So tell me Wyatt what way would you prefer Azim to be killed? Traditionally we would tear out his throat, but we can also do a hanging, maybe a bullet to the head, perhaps even sticking his head underwater until his lungs explode. It's up to you. Of course you," he reaches out and strokes my cheek, as I hear a deep growl rising in Azim's throat next to me. "You will die by my hand. Like it was always meant to be." Disgusted I slap his hand away.

"Save me the-"

The sound of the gigantic doors behind us opening, cuts me off and I turn along with Azim, and Belial to stare at the intruders

"Alpha Prime, I sincerely apologize for the interruption" the guard bows. I note that he is sweating quite copiously, as if he had run a marathon.

"Very well, continue." Belial orders.

"There's been an attack on the clan."

"What?" Belial hurriedly moves closer to his man registering the news.

"The vampires have come unannounced and are wreaking havoc in the village as we speak. A horde of them are headed here as well."

"What of the other clans?" Interrupts Azim.

The soldier glances at him. "A small group of vampires have made their way to the Nahtego Village, but I wouldn't worry about them since they have the biggest population of all the clans. I'm sure a few stragglers will make their way to Mohingak as well."

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