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“Ugh,” slowly I feel consciousness slipping in and the first thing that is running through my mind is I’m alive? The reason I come to this fascinating conclusion is because you can’t feel the horrible gut wrenching pain that I’m in and not be alive, there’s just no way. Unless you’re in hell but I happen to not believe in hell so that isn’t really an option. I warily open my eyes; my vision is unclear most likely from the amount of time my eyes have been closed. I blink a couple times attempting to get my vision under control so I can observe my surroundings but, my eyes won’t focus. So instead I close them again and sigh. God I’m so tired. Soon I drift off into another deep sleep.

The second time I wake up is different. I pry my eyes open a lot quicker because I’m aware of someone in the room with me. My head is lifted, even though my vision is still hazy I can make out the shape of a person. I feel a cup press up against my lips. At first I resist, afraid of what it might be. “I’m not going to kill you, you idiot. If I wanted to kill you I would’ve done it already. Now drink you fool.” The harshness of the voice is unexpected, so was the deepness. A man? Obediently I open my mouth and feel cool water flow into my mouth. I think I moan in enjoyment. Too soon the water is withdrawn and I’m left feeling abandoned. Once again I fall asleep as my head is gently laid back down.

The next time I wake up I’m much more alert. My muscles burn and my leg still hurts a bit but, besides that I’m feeling pretty good. Cautiously I sit up and look at my surroundings. I’m in a small room with simple off white walls. There’s a simple oak dresser, and a little desk with a chair next to it. There is a door to the right of the bed which I assume is the bathroom. The door to the hall is right across from my feet. Gradually I make my way out of bed, and then I stand with great care attention directed at my bandaged leg. I’ve been changed into a pair of regular white boxer briefs. Where am I? Did Carla get help? Did that monster not get me after all? Perhaps he left me there to die and the townsfolk came back to get me. Leisurely I make my way to the bathroom, opening the door and stepping in. There’s a nice white sink, and toilet, as well as a decent sized shower. I cross the room to look out the window. Outside are…houses? Well some of them are houses; others look like small cottages, while others look like big mansions. I’m assuming the place I am currently residing in is about the size of a small house since it seems that I’m on the second floor. Curiously I study the landscape taking in all the buildings. As I’m studying I see a man that looks remarkably like Carson. My attention piqued I lean in to get a better view. Dark hair, meaty muscles, and that GOD DAMN SMIRK!! IT IS CARSON! “OH MY GOD!” I shout. I’m appalled! Quickly I start to open the window pushing up on the little ridge. The glass slides up silently and I’m about to shout to Carson when a palm covers my mouth. I jump startled, I watch as an arm moves into view and pulls the window back down. “I can’t leave you alone for a second can I pup?”

It’s that same guy from before the one with the harsh condescending tone of voice. I quickly turn to look at my mysterious visitor. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a more perfect looking person. He seriously is the definition of perfection. He has tan skin and dark hair that is somewhat in his eyes, but isn’t too long. His eyes are a crystalline blue. He is about a head taller than me and has a bigger stature. His muscles are a bit bigger and more defined but not beefy. If I was a girl I would be completely in love with this man. “Who are you? Where am I?” I back away from him defensively and cross my arms over my chest a reflex for protection. Even though the guy is good looking I’ve still somehow ended up in his house. I can’t trust him.

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