An Unexpected Meeting

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An Unexpected Meeting

Boyxboy you have been warned

Copyright: This is mine lovelies!

We’re on our way to Nahtego village, and I’ve got to say I am not looking forward to it. You know, as much as I love being in difficult situations where I have to seduce crazy werewolf alphas. In all honesty I feel very awkward about this situation. I mean it’s obvious that there is some type of attraction between me and Azim, so the fact that I’m supposed to be sexing up his nemesis is kind of that awkward ending point in a nice relationship that you see in movies, and books. It all ended even before it began. Sounds sort of dramatic doesn’t it? Yeah well, welcome to my life. I don’t know how to seduce people period. Seduction isn’t really something you’re taught in school. So I’m kind of left to figure it out on my own. Maybe I’ll just use my overall innocence to attract him. That’ll work right? Who am I kidding? I am the worst guy for the job. Me? Seductive? What a joke. I’ll just have to figure something else out. I’m an innocent okay guys? I am not sleeping with Mr. Evil.

“We’re here.” Here being our good friends Rory and Amanda’s house. God they are the mushy-est couple I know. It kind of makes me jealous and want to puke all at the same time. I walk uneasily past Azim into the doorway to greet Rory. Have I mentioned that ever since the whole kiss thing it’s been uncomfortable between him and I. In a regular situation you would think that we would be all lovey-dovey and shit. Nope. It just got ten times more tense. I don’t understand it, and I kind of don’t want to. So I’ll just leave it be. Ok do you want me to be honest? It kind of pisses me off actually. One minute we are making out in the basement the next minute he’s ordering me to take out the garbage like I’m his kid or something. It makes me want to punch him in the face, get back at him. Seriously, I didn’t used to have chores, but guess what? All of a sudden I’m the chore master. Sweeping, taking out the garbage, dusting, polishing, he even made me do his fucking laundry once. Do I look like a Laundromat? No! I didn’t think so. Ugh. Sorry, I’m being a total whiny bitch.  Soon we are all sitting around the table, little Calum in my lap so I can give his sweetheart of his mother a rest.

“So how has it been with you guys down at Mohingak? Everything going okay?” Amanda asks.

We all shrug. “We’re in the middle of a war. It’s as okay as it’s ever going to get.” Replies Zeke with a smile.

“Well at least you guys know where you stand. Here shit is always unsure. You never know if you’re talking to someone who is leaning towards the Kanza clan or the Mohingak clan. It’s always a silent battle.” Confesses Rory. He looks tired. I’ve never seen him so tired in my life. I guess having a kid isn’t treating him so well. He looks happy though.

Amanda turns to me while the others talk politics. “Wyatt honey, could you run to the market for me and get a few things? I’ve been meaning to go but Calum keeps me very busy.”

“I would love to. Would you like me to take Calum with me? Get him off of your hands for a bit?”

“That would be wonderful. If you wouldn’t mind.”

“Not at all.” Slowly I get up, taking Calum’s little hand in mine. As soon as I walk a foot Azim is on me though.

“Wyatt, where are you going?”

“To the market, dad.”

“I’ll join you.”

“You don’t have to” Please don’t come. You’re presence is a nuisance to me.

“I will.” I hold in a groan of disappointment.

“So much for getting away from the parents, Calum.” I grumble to the little boy holding my hand. He giggles, and probably couldn’t care less.

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