The Harmonious Silence of the Moon

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My legs burn from the exertion of running, the only thought going through my head is survival. The fangs on that animal are no joke. It could tear us all apart in seconds. I try not to think and urge myself to go faster. I want to see my family again. I want Rory to see his family again. Hell, I even want Carson to see his family again. We have to make it out of here. As we near the camp I yell. “GET UP NOW!! RUN TO THE TRUCKS FAST!!” Martina, Debby, and Carla all look at us with smirks.

“Not as brave as they thought they were huh?” Carla scoffs. I run to Martina, and grab her hand.

“This is serious Martina we need to go now.” Slowly her eyes fill with realization and she gets up fast.  Debby has already easily complied with Rory’s rushed orders. Carla though the stupid girl is still laughing up a storm. Carson looks like he’s gonna snap. “Carson, just grab her!” I hiss. He nods and forcibly picks her up and throws her over his shoulder. Then we book it. We are so close to the trucks, so unbelievably close. I’m almost laughing in relief, until I see the sleek figure on top of Carson’s Ford 600.

“Oh my God.” Whispers Martina. Her hand grips mine tightly and I would complain about the pain if I wasn’t absolutely positive about the pain yet to come. I look at the others and that’s when I notice, there are many more of the wolves then we thought there were. They are all around us. Carson sees it too then he looks at me, and in that moment I can see that he really isn’t afraid for himself. He’s afraid for everyone else. He doesn’t feel fear in the fact that he’s in danger, he feels fear in the fact that the rest of us are.

“You guys” Rory whispers and in his voice I can hear a hint of resignation. He’s confronted the fact that we aren’t going to make it out of this alive. There isn’t even a chance. I look at Rory and he looks at me and it’s like all the years we’ve spent together flash before my eyes and I’m filled with sadness, because this is where it ends. The wolf on the truck growls and leaps landing right on top of Carson. The girls’ screams echo across the trees and the bunch together fear most likely keeping them glued to their places. The large black wolf has its fangs deeply embedded in Carson’s right shoulder. Carson struggles and I can’t help but admire him. As Carson struggles with the wolf it begins dragging him away. No I think. This can’t be happening. Quickly I run over and grab Carson’s legs pulling in the opposite direction. Rory comes to help grabbing onto Carson’s waist and pulling with all his might. The wolf snarls briefly releasing Carson’s shoulder. Carson screams in pain and we keep pulling him. A screech behind us causes us to look over our shoulders quickly.

There is sweet little Debby being dragged across the forest floor by her arm, a giant fang piercing the flesh. Rory turns pale. I’m abandoned quickly in favor of Debby, him and Martina Rushing over to save her. As I watch them Carson’s body tugs out of my palms. I quickly turn back and jump on his legs. The amount of blood running over his chest is sickening. I keep pulling. Carson growls and looks at me”Let go of me.” I almost do just that surprised at what he just said.

“What?” I grunt continuing to pull.

“Let go” The wolf above him growls in agreement. I glare

“I won’t”

“WYATT LET GO GOD DAMMIT!”He starts to kick at me.”RUN AWAY YOU STUPID ASS!!” His final kick sends me sprawling and I watch dazed as the wolf drags him into the forest. I mourn silently for a few seconds before running to the war waging over Debby. Rory is on top of the wolf punching it repeatedly over the head, Martina screaming at him to stop and get off, Carla is screaming for Martina to come with her to the trucks so they can get away, and little Debby looks close to lifeless, the light draining from her eyes. I watch as another wolf leaps over the one currently on top of Debby and catches Rory’s neck in it jaws. Horror fills me when I hear the gurgling sounds coming from his throat as he’s dragged away. I race towards his disappearing figure, Martina chasing after me.

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