A Part of the Pack

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BoyxBoy: You have been warned.

Copyright: Mine =’_’=

A Part of the Pack

Ever since finding out about the Prophecy of the White One, I’ve pretty much been in my own little world. I mean, how do react when you are told something like that? Are you supposed to feel special? Honored maybe? I don’t really feel that way. I feel overwhelmed and admittedly scared. Sitting on my bed in my room I stare at the blanket. What do I do to prepare for something like this? Training right? I mean I know I’m getting ahead of myself here, but I think I should get a head start on practicing before Belial finds out that I even exist, because when that happens he will be on my ass so fast I won’t even have time to take a breath. There’s a knock on my door. “Who is it?” I ask. I always ask who it is first so I don’t accidentally let Azim in. His presence puts me on edge. It’s not just fear I feel when he walks into a room but uncontrollable lust. I swear I almost jumped his bones four times this week. He always gazes at me with this look though. Almost like he’s angry.

“It’s Zeke.”

“Come in.” Zeke steps in and looks at me with a big grin on his face. This man is never in the dumps I swear. I mean seriously what do you have to do to him to make him sad? “What’s up Zeke?”

“Nothing I just figured you would want to start training for your inevitable doom pup.” I glare. Yeah make fun of my situation Zeke. We will all be laughing when I die a horribly painful death while trying to restore order to your clans. “I’ll take that as a yes.” He laughs and then walks out of my room, most likely expecting me to follow. I do so, better to start getting prepared now instead of later.

Zeke leads me out to the back of the house which is a nice yard that has tons of space to spar in. He moves to the right and I move to the left, unsure of what to do. Mira is over by the garden planting some bright tulips. I look around to see if I can spot any of the other pack members, Blaise and Carson are sitting in chairs chatting lovingly to each other over by the door. “Okay, Wyatt come at me” Zeke commands beckoning me with his fingers.

“You’re not serious are you?”

“Serious as AIDS” Well that was rude. I just keep looking at him scared shitless. He’s fucking huge. How will I ever survive if he decides to take me down? “Come on pup! Stop being such a pussy. You’re a werewolf not a werecat!”

Hahaha. That was original. I sigh and get myself prepared. This is probably going to be the worst experience of my life. Fuck it. I charge. The impact isn’t as hard as I imagined and I’m not trying to brag or anything but I move a lot quicker than him. Before he can get a hold of me I dart to the side, rolling on the ground making it harder to catch me. He tries to bend down and grab me while I’m down but I quickly pull myself between his legs and jump onto his back. Zeke grunts and reaches his arms back trying to pry me off. “How the hell did you get up there?” I pant. Letting go of him will mean the death of me, so I keep my arms locked around his neck. Zeke starts to shake, my body swinging around like a marionette.  Finally the strain on my arms is too much and I let go falling onto my ass.

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