The Alpha Prime

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Boyxboy-I’ve warned you seven times now you should understand.

Copyright: This is mine suckers!!! ;p

The Alpha Prime

Belial POV

“Alpha Prime” I look up to my most loyal right hand man Anders. He’s always been a good one, one of the one’s I didn’t have to threaten.

“Yes?” Anders looks quite…worried. A look I have to admit that I have never seen grace his features before.

“One of Kanza’s alphas that was visiting Nahtego has come with news.”

“Oh? What kind of news?” I swirl my glass of wine before bringing it to my mouth and taking a drink.

“I thought you would like to hear it in person Alpha Prime.”

I nod. “Bring him in Anders.”

Anders nods once then turns and quickly strides out the great oak doors of my main dining hall. Anders looking so worried has got me curious. No situations have ever arisen since my victory seven years ago. Despite those damn rebels, foolish Mohingak clan. Were they really so fond of Andrew? In a few years they would’ve found something wrong with his methods anyways. I just took care of it sooner, problem avoided. They should be thanking me, it’s not like everything is in complete chaos. As long as they let me do as I like, I assume everything should be just remarkable but of course they have to be oh so hurt that I killed off Andrew and Ethan. Why does it matter? Andrew was too nice of a ruler anyways and, poor little Ethan had just been married to his wife Amanda for little over six months. I’d rather think of myself as his savior, marriage is a weak man’s game. You don’t see me getting married, no, if I got married the rest of these imbeciles would actually think I have a heart. Ha! The only thing that is worth it in marriage is the unconditional sex, and since I’m Alpha Prime I can just demand it, and they have to submit to me.

Anders soon walks in with another man who by the looks of it is bleeding all over my nice oak floors. He better learn to control his blood flow for the next time he comes in here with wounds “Alpha Prime, I bring you Thaddeus Alpha of one of the many Kanza packs.”

“Thank you Anders.” I reply. Then I turn my attention to Thaddeus. “What do you have to say to me?” Thaddeus shifts nervously, either from being face to face with me, or from something else. “Today would be delightful Thaddeus.”

“Yes Alpha Prime.” He bows his head once. “I’m afraid what I have come to tell you isn’t good news”

“I have deduced that.”I say looking pointedly at his blood-spattered state.

“My Alpha…I have seen the White One.”

What? What is this nonsense? There hasn’t been a white wolf for over eons. “You are sure?”

Thaddeus nods. “I came into contact with him myself Alpha. “ Instantly I’m intrigued. It has never been seen, white fur. Oh it must be glorious. Quickly I sit up.

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