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Copyright: Bishes this be mine! :P

Belial’s POV

I sit in silence as I ponder the news which has been revealed to me.

So the vampires have him do they? How deliciously amusing that is to hear, after the tricks they had been planning I would expect karma to have a bitter surprise. Of course karma never came back to bite me in the ass so can’t say that it’s all that reliable now can I?

What am I thinking?

As comical as it is to discover that the white one is in the hands of those parasites, I still cannot help myself from feeling this overwhelming anxiety. When finding out about Wyatt’s betrayal I can honestly say that I was not surprised, I expected as much especially where that cur Azim is concerned, nevertheless I cannot begin to describe the amount of affection I have for that child. Even though I know it is far better for my circumstances to detest him, I still have love for him, and even though I know that now that the vampires have him he will not prove to be a nuisance to my reign I still want no… need to save him.

Rather than have him be at the mercy of those leeches I would kill him myself. So I must retrieve him, so that he can die a more…comfortable death.

Does it seem too psychotic?

Oh well, I’d rather him die by my hand, if that makes me a lunatic…so be it.


Wyatt’s POV

When I wake up I have absolutely no idea where I am. It isn’t a great feeling to wake up to unfamiliar surroundings, and unfortunately I’ve been doing it a lot. Looking around I study my surroundings. I’m in a room furnished entirely in red. I don’t think I’ve seen so much red in one place in my entire life. I don’t have much time to look around because a man walks into the room soon after my awakening.

“You are summoned to the meeting hall.”


“Please follow me if you will.”

I nod and continue to follow the man out of the room and into a big hallway. As we walk down the corridor, I study the myriad of portraits hanging on the walls. Men, and women who are all considerably paler than normal people. They are adorned with the most elaborate clothing and jewelry I have ever seen. Maybe these people are famous. It could be that I’ve just stepped into someone’s mansion, but let’s be honest here do we really think that I accidentally stumbled into Jonah Hills house? No I don’t think so. Plus I don’t think this would be Jonah Hills house, maybe Tim Burton.

 Soon we emerge into a large room, and as I look to the sides I see masses of people crunched together watching me come in as they mingle. Suddenly I feel way out of my league. This seems like something big. Something I don’t have any control over, as much as I would like to. I think I should probably keep my mouth shut in this situation. As we make our way to the head of the room I notice that some of the people have luminous crimson eyes, and they are looking at me like I’m a piece of meat. Quickly I move my gaze to the floor scared to look into any more of these terrible faces. I need Azim. Finally we come to a stop in front of a man on a throne like chair. He has longer hair, slicked back out of his face. His clothing is a fine tailored suit and he looks undeniably comfortable. He swirls a tiny wine glass, filled with a red substance that looks too thick to be wine.

“Well look at this.” He says, his voice tinged with a slight accent. Danish maybe? I meet his eyes, and I can see intrigue in them, mixed with a little bit of lust and….hunger? I glance behind his throne, and there is the guy from before, grinning like a cat again. The exact same expression on his face. “What is your name?”

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