Harry Potter & the Prophecy of The White One

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“110,111…110,112…110,113…110,114” Oh God, I don’t know how much longer I can hold it. I’ve been lying in this bed holding my bladder for over four hours. I haven’t resorted to begging because I feel like I’m better than that, but I’m quickly rethinking that logic. I groan. Screw it, I don’t give a shit about my pride at this point I need to go so bad I would sell my organs just to get to a bathroom.

“H…Hey!” I call out tentatively keeping my voice from sounding too angry lest they bring their wrath down upon me. “I really need to go to the bathroom!” No answer.”Please! I’m seriously going to pee myself if no one unties me!” Straining my ears I hear footstep coming up the stairs. I’m practically screaming in joy. I watch with joy as the door unlocks and in comes Carson. I’ve gotta say I’m pretty relieved that it’s him. I would never get my pride back if Azim came in here.

“Bathroom?” Carson guesses pointing to the door at the left. I nod vigorously. He is now my favorite person in the whole world. You know when you’ve got a true friend when they come into your room to untie you in order for you to take a leak. Wow…that sounded super weird. Carson strides over and begins easily untying the ropes around my wrists. Once I’m released I bolt for the bathroom.

“THANK YOU SO MUCH CARSON!” I yell not even bothering to close the bathroom door as I unzip my pants and proceed to empty my full bladder. Oh Lord finally. I shudder letting out satisfied breaths as I relieve myself. I look over and see Carson holding in his laughter. What’s so funny? Let’s tie you to a bed for four hours when you need to take a piss and see how you fair. I finish zipping up my pants and washing my hands. Eh who am I kidding? Carson totally would’ve gone in his pants at this point. I look up at my old friend and ask “Do I have to go back on the bed?”

“No Wyatt that’s okay. You can come downstairs now, but you can’t go anywhere. Azim is pretty angry that you tried to escape.”

“Well what did he expect me to do sit in that room for eternity?” I mumble.

“You could’ve cooperated” Carson replies letting me know that he heard my comment.

“Psh me? Cooperate? Who do you think I am Carson?”

Carson just shrugs and heads out the door and down the stairs. I follow him closely keeping myself alert for any furious Azims' lurking around corners. We turn into the kitchen and there is everyone, minus Azim, sitting around the table discussing something in harsh, hushed tones. As soon as I walk in they all go quiet and stare at me. Well then. Carson leads me to a chair next to Zeke and motions for me to take a seat. I comply not wanting to anger my old friend. Carson sits across from me next to the red haired girl who raps her arm around him and grins at him sweetly.

“Well then,” Zeke begins, “I guess I should start us off since Azim is not present at the moment.” Zeke shifts his overly large body to look at me. “Wyatt let me introduce you to Azims' pack. You know Carson, this is his True Mate Blaise.” He gestures toward the red haired girl. True Mate? “And this is my True Mate Mira.” Mira smiles at me and gives a small wave. “You know Azim though he is not here at this time.” I nod. “You seem to be a bit confused as to what is happening so I will take on the challenge of explaining to you. Wyatt we are werewolves.”

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