Kissing Good and Kissing Evil

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BoyxBoy-Again :P

Copyright: This baby is mine!!!!

Kissing Good and Kissing Evil

“I don’t understand how he knew it was me.” I say when we are finally back at home. The pack is sitting around the table, all of us shifting apprehensively.

“Probably from that little mistake you made back in Nahtego village. That wolf got away. Bet you anything he went and told his daddy.” Azim looks at me pointedly. “God, his scent is all over you. It’s making me sick.” Appalled I turn and sniff at myself. I don’t smell anything. In fact I think I smell like sunshine and daisies. “What are you talking about? I smell fine.”

Azim rolls his head back and sniffs at the air. “No you smell like him.” I look at the others. They sniff the air and nod. I resume smelling myself. Nope still nothing.

“Okay so what do we do about Belial?” I ask ignoring Azim’s disgusted face.

“Well we’ll just have to wait. We don’t know quite what he’s planning to do now that he knows about you.”

“Well I think that’s pretty obvious. Kill me.”

“I don’t know Wyatt I didn’t get the murderous vibe.” Zeke replies.

“Yeah, but- “ Out of nowhere Azim rips me from my seat. “What the-“

“Take it off.” Immediately my body moves to follow my alphas orders but, I’m a little confused as to what I take off so I pause. “You’re shirt.”

Finally knowing what he wants I immediately do it. I stand there shirtless and a little confused on the reason why. We all watch as Azim starts to take off his shirt as well. “Put this on.” Whoa muscles. “Wyatt. Put. It. On.”  I nod and take his shirt from his hand, pulling it on. As I button it up I question. “Why?” Azim grabs me and inhales deeply.

“Better, but it’s not completely gone.” He leans in closer and sniffs my cheek. “Did…did he lick you?”

“uh no, he kissed me on the cheek.” Almost immediately Azim runs his tongue along my cheek. I would be disgusted except for the fact that he is pretty good looking. As soon as he’s finished licking my cheek I kind of back away a little. Azim comes toward me again, sniffing the air.


“What? What do I smell like now?”

Azim grins. “Me.”

“oh” Awkward.

“Okay love birds, I know you all wanna get into each other’s pants but we’ve got bigger things to worry about right now.” Blaise smiles innocently and turns back to Carson. I nod and sit down.

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