The Scent

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The Scent



I stare for more than a second, without saying anything. What can I say? I mean they have been living the last how many months thinking that I’m dead, and here they are on a nice little drive the unsuspecting families, and I just pop out of the forest…..naked. I probably look like I’m crazy, sweaty, muscles tense, gasping for air, and naked, with loads of dirt, and foliage stuck in weird areas on my person. I can see it on their faces that they are shocked. Carla’s face is just struck with bewilderment, and I can understand why. The last time I saw her I created a diversion for the wolf, letting her get away. I saved her, which she probably hasn’t forgotten for one second since I “died”. She has probably been blaming herself all this time, and that isn’t what I meant to happen. Her parents probably had to live with her this whole time, while she was in that place. That mindset of constant remorse, and I can’t imagine how scared they were when she came home covered in blood probably scarred for life after what took place. They probably won’t let her out of their sight to this day. At least I wouldn’t if I was a parent, and my parents…I can just see on their faces past the looks of confusion and shock, relief. Relief that I’m not dead, and that I’m here in front of them, because I’m sure they were in denial for the longest time, and might still be, not believing that anything so horrible could possibly happen to their baby. And you know what? It hurts. It hurts to look at them and see that spark of hope, that I am back and that they can take me home again and everything can be like it was. It hurts because I know that that can’t happen. I can’t go home with them no matter how much I want to because I don’t belong there anymore. I have things to do here in the forest and abandoning the packs would be the most selfish and immoral thing I could do. My mom taught me to always look at the bigger picture, what I do in life could be affecting not only me but the people around me, and the people around them, and the people around those people, and so on. And the bigger picture that I see, concerns the packs, and what could happen to the packs, and the innocent people that have the unfortunate luck to come across Belial. If it means that I can’t be with my family in order to save all these lives. Then so be it. God didn’t make this world to revolve around me… he made me so I could help make this world a better place to live in. And looking at my families faces, kills me inside because I know that soon when I walk away from them it’ll be like I’m dying all over again, and that will hurt everyone here.

“Wyatt…how are you here? You…you died!” Carla exclaims looking at me, with her pretty eyes. Surprisingly she looks less fake than she used to. She has less make up on, and I can see that her dark brown roots are growing out. She has never in the time that I have known her, let her roots start to grow out. And you know what, a lot of people say it looks stupid when that happens, but Carla just looks more beautiful, more natural.

“I…” I shake my head not knowing what to say.

“You’re body was gone and there was blood everywhere!” I wince picking up on the slight hysteria in her voice. I’m making her flip out I need to go.

“Baby...” My head shoots up when I hear my mom’s voice. It’s filled with so much emotion, and when I look into her tear filled eyes I feel my eyes start to water. “Are you okay sweetie?”

Right when she asks that I just want to run to her and hug her and tuck myself into her comfortable arms and tell her all of my problems, just like I used to when I was younger. I want to lie in her bed with her while she watches the cheesiest shows on the Sci-Fi channel, and we munch on a plate of cookies, feeling like there are absolutely no problems in the world, and that nothing can touch us or stop us, but I refrain myself and step back a little. Her small smile melts into a hurt expression that I swear mothers save for the worst moments to lay on us.

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