Of Covert Escapes and Gandalf the Grey

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 It’s been three days since I first got stuck in here and you know what I realized, that has now made me seem completely stupid? There’s a window in my room. I know, I know I’m completely stupid. I’ve been sitting in this room practically killing myself with boredom and there is a window right there in front of my stupid face.  I quickly make plans to escape once it gets dark I’m pretty sure everyone goes to bed really early once the moon comes up. So I can get away around then if I’m careful and sneaky. Waiting is going to be the hardest part. It’s a good thing that I’m accustomed to waiting.

When it’s finally dark I quickly run to the window and pull it open as slowly, and quietly as possible. Everyone went to bed at least an hour ago, but you can’t be too careful. Once I open the window I peek out to check the distance between the grass and me. It looks safe enough to jump. I mean there are only two floors. I couldn’t possibly die from jumping from this height, right? Deciding to just do it, I balance myself on the edge of the window then count to three, slowly and jump.

I was right it doesn’t kill me, but it does hurt a fuck load. I groan and roll over onto my stomach. “Owwwww.”  The throbbing pain coming from my wrist quickly alerts me that I have probably twisted it oddly.  Why am I always getting hurt? What did I do to deserve this god? I was a straight A student, I didn’t have any enemies, everybody loved me, and if they didn’t love me they had never met me. Simple, but here I was forced to go camping with people I felt highly uncomfortable with, mostly because I believed strongly that if I spent an extended amount of time with them I would lose brain cells which are very important. As you all know our brain cells get fewer as we age. If I lose anymore I am at risk for extreme clinical stupidity. I’m already stupid enough. Anyways, during said camping, I got harassed by Martina the slut, and then to top that off we got chased by giant genetically altered wolves. The reason why I believe that the wolves are genetically altered? Anything that big cannot be natural. It’s either man made, or….genetically altered. After my friends being eaten by these genetically altered beasts I wake up in a random house in the middle of god knows where, only to be greeted by a complete moron, who has a massive attitude problem. Then not only do I find out that my friend Carson is alive… I also find out that I am not permitted to leave! Bull! When I express my need to leave I get yelled at, thrown over a shoulder, then forced into my room and locked in! To top that off...I hurt my wrist. God doesn’t love me. At least I can go home now though. With my luck though, it won’t be easy.

So determined I pick myself up favoring my warped wrist. The sky is black with…whoa…what a beauty. That moon is just magnificent. I smile as I look up at the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen. I don’t quite understand it, I’ve never been so fascinated with the moon before, it was always just, that big rock in the sky to me. Right now though, right now it fills me with a sense of love. Intense love…for the moon? Suddenly my body shakes as a pain rockets through me… a rippling ache tears through my whole being reverberating through my bones. The intensity of the throbbing pushes me down onto my knees. Unable to control myself I let loose an ear shattering wail. I need to get out of here. I can’t stay here while I’m like this and completely vulnerable to my enemies. Hissing in agony I pick myself up a second time and begin limping towards the first thing I see. A bike. That will help me get away faster for sure. I fumble with the bike before getting on and pushing the peddles getting started on my way back to Little Brooke. 

As I peddle out of the crazy little town( filled with those creepy little cabin houses, and mansions) onto the free way, I hear…howling. The sound of wolves. Surprisingly I’m not scared of the sound. I’m drawn to it. The pain rumbling in my guts and bones increases as I peddle further away from the sound of the beasts, and soon I can’t take it. My peddling stops as my legs turn to jell-o, I fall from the bike like a broken doll, and scream as loud as I can as I watch the skin of my arm rip open. Crimson floods over me like a raging waterfall, and I whimper. What is happening to me? The sound of ripping reaches my ears and I know that my skin is splitting. The sting of the rips almost too much for me. I growl again but to my ears it sounds more…savage. To my complete and utter surprise I watch as my hands mutate into…paws? Oh My God! I howl in torment, the sound echoing and bouncing off of the trees surrounding the highway. As I tremble in my newfound pain, the resonance of hundreds of other howls join mine. Feeling the reverberation deep within me, I thrash about. Part of me wants to run towards that one specific dominating cry, but another part of me wants to flee in fear. I fight myself as I feel my body mutate into a lithe wolf like form.

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