Webisode #26 - Viva Films, Film Producer!

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One rainy afternoon, ABS-CBN is working out her schedule of her drama shows. Suddenly, she heard a knock from her door. She opened the door, and it was Viva Entertainment.

ABS-CBN: Viva Entertainment! It's so nice to see you again!

Viva Entertainment: Me too! But, I have a special friend to show you.

ABS-CBN: Ooh! Who is it?

Viva Entertainment: Come here. There is nothing to be afraid of.

Viva Films: Hello.


Viva Entertainment: She's Viva Films. Known as my wonderful assistant.

ABS-CBN: Oh! Viva Films! Hello!! Are you feeling down lately?

Viva Films: I am.

Viva Entertainment: She is feeling down starting yesterday is because nobody likes her works.

ABS-CBN: Oh no! Do you work hard for all of these?

Viva Films: Yeah... but I felt... that I am an uninspired movie studio.

ABS-CBN and Viva Entertainment: No, you're not!

Viva Films: ...Why, then??

ABS-CBN: You are such a hardworking movie studio! You are going to be inspired for sure!

Viva Films: I'm changed! Well... everyone didn't like them. You guys are imagining it, right?

Viva Entertainment: Nope.

ABS-CBN: Me neither.

The rain becomes stronger, and they both let Viva Films go inside ABS-CBN's house.

ABS-CBN: So... what makes you feel uninspired?

Viva Films: ...Starting at the 80's, I was a young film producer, I started doing that when I was... 13 years old actually. Viva Entertainment told me that I was an expert, so I became her well-known assistant for years now.

ABS-CBN: Ohhh...

Viva Films: Then, I worked and worked my film ideas all day until everyone will like my films, which I liked it! I love when all noticed my films, and even complimenting it too, you know?

Viva Entertainment: That's amazing!

Viva Films: Here's the worst part... no wonder everyone loved my old movies, the present is the most unfair kind of year I've ever experienced. ...They never liked my newest ideas.

Viva Entertainment: Oh, please. You are amazing at making these! I swear everyone will love your new ideas!

ABS-CBN: I agree!!

Viva Films: ...You really think so??

ABS-CBN and Viva Entertainment: Yep!

Viva Films: Thanks, you guys.

The rain stopped. The three go walking outside. Viva Films is nervous that everyone hates her ideas, and thinks that they made fun of her because her films are too "glossy".

Suddenly, there was a young man complimenting in front of Viva Films.

???: Viva Films?

Viva Films: *gasp* Oh my gosh!!

???: I watched you since childhood and you are one of my favorite movie studios ever!!

Viva Films: *blush* T-Thank you!!

???: Can I take you a picture?

Viva Films: Of course you can!

The young man finished picturing with Viva Films. She is very happy that she sees someone who liked her films.


Viva Entertainment: Everyone liked your ideas! You are the best assistant ever!!

Viva Films: *hugged Viva Entertainment* It's all thanks to you. You are the best boss ever.

To be continued on episode 27!

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