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James's POV:

Riley wasn't in school today and so because of that, most girls had come to the conclusion that we had broken up which was far from true. But considering my girl wasn't here for me to keep my arm around her to show that we were both purely taken by each other, it meant pretty much everyone was attempting to throw themselves at me by twirling their hair, fluttering their eyelashes, clicking their tongue; the lot. However, the only person I really wanted to see right now, was Riley.

As soon as the school day ends, I ignore Peyton's offer of having me go over to her's for a house-party she's holding tonight, and as an alternative, I basically sprint out of the school building to get to my car, just wanting to get back to my baby girl. But there was something else I'd been thinking about all throughout Biology that I had to do first.

After about five to ten minutes of driving, I park up outside the Beauty salon shop and head inside to get the things I had been thinking of - that being chocolates, perfumes, body wash, bath bombs, face masks, make-up, and nail varnish, but also stopped when I came across a lingerie section. The girls in the model photos looked good, but my mouth began to water when I imagined Riley in the set of lacy, wine-red underwear garments.

I quickly took my phone out and snapped a picture of it before sending it to Riley, saying: Would love to see U in this😍

My phone dings only a few seconds later with her response being: Already got that set in my drawer. Where are U anyway and Y??🤨

I grin to myself but just reply with an upside down smile before I put my phone back inside the pocket of my jeans and made my way to the front till. I didn't want to seem like some sort of perv by standing by the lingerie area for too long, after all.

"Is there a second Valentine's Day coming up or something? This seems like an awful lot of stuff," the cashier lady tells me, chuckling as she scans the items before remaining attentive as she put them inside the carrier bag one after the other.

"It's for my girlfriend, she's not very well at the moment," I explain whilst keeping things concise. 

"Ah, I see. You must really love her," she tells me.

"I love her more than I love myself." She smiles at that and then allows me to pay the money using my credit card for it to come up with a total of $68 before it accepts the transaction and I put it back inside my wallet. 

"Well, I hope you have a good afternoon then," the lady tells me when I take the bag from off the top of the counter.

"You too," I say back.

Pulling up in front of Riley's house, I undo my seatbelt and then get out of the car, taking the bag of shopping with me. Darren's, Riley's dad, car was parked outside in the drive which must have meant her parents were home, and my suspicions are shortly found to be correct when Lauren opens the door for me.

"Oh, hello, James," she says kindly. I send a small smile her way. "Riley's upstairs in her bedroom. I think she's sleeping but I'm not too-sure."

"Okay, thank you," I say. I step inside once she moves out of the way to let me in, and then I take off my shoes, remembering to leave them placed on the doormat before I slowly trudge up the stairs. I walk through the landing, past the bathroom before being met with the cream coloured door of Ri's bedroom on the left-side, opposite her younger brother, Matty's. 

I knock gently, failing to contain my smile so when she doesn't answer, I let myself in on my own watch. She was laying on her side, facing the other way in the direction of her windowsill, when I realise that her phone had been thrown on the bottom of the bed.

I smile a little at how adorable she looked in her oversized hoody and shorts as she lay over the top of the duvet, before placing the bag of things down on her fluffy, lilac spinny chair, then I join her on the bed, spooning her small and petite body whilst wrapping my arms around the front of her waist and nuzzling my face in the crook of her neck where I begin to trace a trail of kisses.

"How are you doing, baby?" I whisper in her ear. "I missed you in school today." She whimpers a little but turns around in my arms to face me directly.

"I still don't feel well," she states. In all fairness, she didn't look well, either. Her nose was red from where she had blown it too-often, citing the vast amounts of used tissues sprawled about on the floor and how her eyes looked drained and colourless.

"Have you eaten anything?" I ask her, tenderly swiping my finger and thumb over her cheek.

"Not a lot. I ate some pasta but pretty much threw it all up afterwards. I feel horrible."

"I'm sorry, Ri-Ri," I say, calling her the name she secretly loves even though she hates to admit it. It's what my younger sister, Lily, called her when she was a baby, pronouncing it as 'Ree-Ree'. I kiss her forehead before pulling away but maintain holding her body close to mine.

"Where were you earlier when you sent me that pic?" she asks. "And why were you looking at lingerie in the first place?" I smile and sit up properly, causing her to do the same and shuffle backwards so that she was resting against the headrest of her bed.

"I got you a few things. And since you're ill, I figured we could let you have some fun by doing my hair and make-up so we can take stupid pics of each other afterwards. I could do your nail varnish, too, if you show me how to. You know, something different from having sex all the time," I tell her taking the things out of the bag. She laughs a little.

"That's adorable, Jay. I'd love to do your hair and make-up," she concurs. She's already opening the pack of cosmetic brushes when she asks, "How far am I allowed to go, though?"

"Go as far as you want, Riles. Whatever you wanna do."

"This is the exact reason why you're mine," she states and then uses her finger to lift my chin up before pressing her lips on mine then smiles sheepishly once she pulls back.

"Ri, you just-" I begin but she cuts me off by saying,

"We can be sick together, right?" in the most cute and adorable way possible as her eyes softened and a foreign glint shone inside of them. I smile at her before kissing her again this time, forcibly and uncontrollably as she begin to giggle instead. 

"You're gonna have to keep on kissing me then, Ri. I don't wanna go to school tomorrow," I state, looking directly at her as she lay down beneath me. "It's not worth it when I'm not with you."

"You better come here then," she says eagerly before wrapping her arms around my neck and pulling me down so that she could smash her lips against my own.

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