If you need me (pt. 2)

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James's POV:

I meet Riley in the bedroom and see she was holding her phone in her hand whilst scrolling through movies on Netflix. Her legs were tucked inside the duvet and the curtains had been drawn. She had obviously closed them when I was downstairs. I find that she had helped herself to wearing my oversized hoody over the top of her cycling shorts and she had taken off the previous clothes she was wearing, except for the tight vest top she wore underneath her red cotton t-shirt. She looks up at me when she notices I had walked in and I close the door behind me.

"Oh, um, I hope you don't mind. I felt a little uncomfortable and saw your hoody on the knob of your closet so I took it," she's quick to say. I smile at her softly and saunter towards the bed with the bag of popcorn in my hands.

"It's fine, Riles," I tell her. "You know I don't mind if you take some of my clothes." She looks down, biting her lip, seemingly bothered by something. I kneel down on the bed, not getting under the covers just yet since I knew something was wrong and was distracting her. I use my finger to raise her chin and guide her eyes to mine. "Hey," I say gently. "You okay?"

"Yeah . . ." I look at her, unconvinced. "I mean . . . no," she corrects herself. "I-I'm not . . . I can't stop thinking about how I betrayed you, and how Alfie hasn't stopped texting me since this afternoon when I told him I was going to meet him. I've blocked him but then he started messaging me on Insta, and I just don't know how I'm supposed to handle myself if I come across him tomorrow-" 

I cut her off by leaning forward and pressing my lips against hers. She seems startled at first, but kisses back for the last two seconds before we pull away. When we do, my eyes dart around the cute fragment of her eyes as they carry a beautiful glint in them.

"Why did you do that?" she asks me in barely a whisper. I circle my thumb over the soft skin of her cheek, stroking my fingertip over a single freckle on the side of her face.

"Because I'm always going to be here for you. And even though it might take some time, I'm going to end up forgiving you at some point if we want this relationship of ours to go back to normal. You may have betrayed me, but that doesn't mean I love you any less, and after all, I did the exact same thing when it came to Beth." She looks down when I say that - though I don't know if it's because she's ashamed, humiliated, or hurt by that memory. It could be all three. "I'll come with you to talk to him tomorrow. I won't allow him to threaten you, baby girl. Even if you kissed him, I couldn't care less. I won't let him hurt you like that."

"Why are you doing this?" she asks the moment I shuffle closer to her and finally free my body inside the warmth of the duvet as it covers my legs and part of my lower torso. I wrap an arm around her, across her shoulder and then down by her waist where I let my hand stay. I don't answer her, but instead kiss her temple and grab the remote from out of her hand to control the television my self.

"So what are we watching, babes?" She looks at me in shock and disbelief but rolls her eyes playfully and smirks, as seen out of the corner of my eyes, and then she moves her body closer to mine, but in a way where she seemed shy. She refrains from resting her head on any part of my body and keeps her hands to herself. Even her legs didn't brush against mine. "You don't have to be so distant, Ri. I'm still your boyfriend. I haven't broken up with you and I'm not going to."

"I just feel guilty, James," she sighs. "I feel like I haven't done anything to make you forgive me-"

"Being here with me is enough, Ri. You could be with Alfie, but you're not. You're here. With me. In my room. Cuddled beside me in the bed. Finding a movie to watch. If that doesn't show that you care about me more than Mr. Prince Boy then I don't know what does," I tell her. It did hurt that she kissed him. It hurt that she seemed fine when we called when she was harming herself. It hurts that she still doesn't feel right even though I love and have forgiven her. I just don't want to make a deal out of it and hope we can go back to normal.

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