Judge you, love you

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"You look fine, trust me, Ri. You've never looked better," Emily tells her younger sister as they got ready for a night out while sat in the oldest sister's bedroom. Unaware of Riley's boyfriend standing on the other side of the door, Riley continues to fret over her dressing, unsure of whether the clothes she was wearing were 'hot' or 'sexy' enough. She stands in front of the mirror and rearranges the bracelets which circled her wrists, taking some off and putting them on her opposing arm or grabbing another one from off the dresser.

"Are you sure it's not too-much? And what about my shorts? Are they too-short as well or-"

"Ri, they're shorts, hon. They're supposed to be like that," Emily tells her worried sister. "Chlo, tell her she looks good, please," she orders her friend. Chuckling, Chloe does as she's told and looks up with a smile on her face.

"Ri, you look amazing. More gorgeous than the rest of us."

"You sure about that?" the brunette ponders, but before any of her friends could reply, still faffing about with their make-up and applying mascara, liner and eyeshadow, a gentle knock plays at the door. "Who is it?" the girl calls through the door.

"It's me, babe," James responds. Emily rolls her eyes and Giselle wriggles her eyebrows at her friend as Riley walks towards the door, biting her lip whilst she opened the door to reveal her boyfriend. Aware of the girls that were still half undressed, she steps outside and closes the door behind her, crossing her arms over her chest and raising her shoulders upwards while James took in what she was wearing, absolutely breathless.

 Aware of the girls that were still half undressed, she steps outside and closes the door behind her, crossing her arms over her chest and raising her shoulders upwards while James took in what she was wearing, absolutely breathless

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"Is it bad?" she asks, getting anxious as she awaited her boyfriend's comforting compliments. "Is the necklace too-much? I can take it off-" she says, raising her hands up and fiddling with the chain around her neck as she fought to take it off, only for James to grab hold of her hands and kiss her lips quickly yet passionately.

"You look amazing, baby," he tells her after they each pull away but still remain stood there with their fingers intertwined. He leans forward with a slight grin peaking at the tips of each corner of his lips as he whispers into her ear, "There is no way I am letting you out of my sight tonight." Riley blushes a small red fracture, a shiver coursing through her body as she feels him draw delicate patterns onto her exposed upper spine when he pulls back from her.

"I don't know, babe, it's nice to see you get jealous sometimes," she teases, looking smug.

"No, Riles. I'm not letting any other guy look at you tonight," he responds proudly, making her chuckle.

"Okay, well, I just need to go to the toilet real quick, then we can go, alright?" Riley tells James after he places his hands on her hips to hold her steady, already aching for the feel of her body against his. 

He nods and she reaches up to give him a quick peck before pulling away, re-entering her bedroom to go into her en suite. But before doing so, she walks over to her drawer and takes out a tampon, attempting to be as discreet as possible. Emily being her sister, however, watches her take the product out of the box and go into the toilet with the tampon in hand. It isn't until three minutes later when Riley steps out of the restroom that Emily decides to stop curling her hair for a moment to approach her sister.

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