Brother, meet boyfriend (pt.1)

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I'm backkkk!! 

includes a bit of spicy content but also mild language some may find offensive - set just after season 2

Alsooo it's pretty long so may take a while to read, depending on your pace :)

James's POV:

I loved moments like these. When I'm sat on my bed, cuddling my girl and holding her as physically close to me as possible. Her head rested just below mine, her fingers drawing mini patterns over my semi-toned, naked chest, her soft locks of hair brushing against each one of my perfectly worked abs. 

The TV played in front of us, though Riley was paying a lot more attention to it than I was. Instead, I was focused on her, lightly combing my fingers through her hair and occasionally moving my hands down to resting by her curved hips. She was gorgeous, especially when she was practically sat on top of me right now in nothing but her black set of lingerie following the extreme make-out we had just exuded. 

I'd taken her silence into consideration since that was extremely unlike her, especially at this time of the day. It was only the middle of the afternoon and neither one of my parents or siblings were home so I was expecting her to be a lot more talkative right now. It was strange how she wasn't. 

We've been dating for three whole months now and we told each other we loved one another at Nationals only two weeks ago. I'd like to think I know her pretty well by now to the point where I'm able to tell when she's keeping things from me. But knowing her, I'm smart enough to know not to question her. She'd only lie to me and get annoyed if I continue to pester for information. 

As I twirl a strand of her recently cut brown hair around my finger, I linger my lips over the top of her scalp, pecking several kisses along her hairline and softly along the side-parting that divides her hair so perfectly. She shuffles in my touch, leaning her head further back against my chest to make herself comfortable and I chuckle at the sight.

Slowly and gradually, I move my lips down the side of her head, meeting her temple and then eventually the parents to my taste-buds meet her neck. Thankfully, she catches onto what I was doing and tilts her head sideways a little, but even as she does that small action, she still seems tense. I massage her sides with my hands, my thumbs subtly stroking her hips whilst my palms fully caress her body. I begin to suckle and softly bite her skin until the slightest moan departs her lips and she's gawping from my touch.

"James . . ." she breathes. I'm about to continue, this time bringing my tongue up to her earlobe where I lick it lightly to pleasure her before involving my lips. She moans again, though I can't tell if it's out of lust or pain as my teeth accidentally bite the sensitive part of her skin. 

When she doesn't tell me off or stop me in any way, I move my lips to her bare shoulder and pay attention to the part of her skin she's more secure and aware of. Simultaneously, I lower my hand from her hips and eventually to her thighs. Her breathing hitches, pausing for a moment. I smile, enjoying my gentle tease when I place my hand on her thigh before slowly separating her legs one away from the other to have access to the part of her body where I can pleasure her most. However, when I least expect it, she places her hand over the top of mine and retracts it from off her skin to move onto my chest.

"Is . . . Is that uncomfortable?" I ask her softly, tucking her hair behind her ear with the worry building up inside of me. She turns her head around and sighs, biting her lower lip whilst absent-mindedly tracing her fingertip over the short, growing bristles on my chest.

"No, I . . . I like it," she tells me with a tender smile. I smile back at her, looking at those three words as though it were my cue for me to continue, but just as I remove my hand from hers and am about to reach down there, beneath the covers again, she stops me by wrapping her small palm around my wrist, firmly holding it to keep me at a halt. "But, before we get physical, we need to talk about something," she states. I look into her eyes as I hear those words: either she wanted to talk about our relationship, our duet, or sex. And for some reason I have a strong feeling this conversation is diverting towards the latter.

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