Secret wish

618 17 6

Season 4

The dark, curly haired male strolls into his girlfriend's office on the morning of the day before he would be leaving to go to London. He knew Riley had been feeling rather queasy during the past few hours, but not wanting to upset her even more or bring attention to her emotions, he tried to be as casual as ever by acting like it was a normal, regular day. He had a sheer grin plastered upon his face when he entered the room and traced his dainty index finger over the files on the shelf before standing behind the blonde's seat and placing his hands on her shoulders.

"Hey," he whispered cheerily, leaning down to kiss the top of her hair, unaware of her current actions. Her head was facing downwards and though it looked like she was going through paperwork and schedules, her eyes were filled with water vapour as they grew steamy and occupied her vision. "You okay?" James asked when he didn't get a response. The girl dabbed at her tears with the sides of her hands before turning around in her seat abruptly, causing James to take a quick step back.

"I'm fine," Riley answered plainly without any clear emotion apparent in her voice. "Did you want something?" she questioned him, much to his surprise as he raised an eyebrow but touched her arm, only for her to dodge him and shuffle away.

"Babe," James spoke, causing her to look down at the desk with guilt. "What's wrong? Did I do something?" he asked, not picking up on the flood of thoughts filling up her mind. Riley shook her head, not bringing herself to look up at him but only making her chest feel tight as her feelings began to hurt even more. James shortly picked up on her silent behaviour and used his finger to guide her gaze to his eyes, where he noticed a tear droplet roll down the side of her face. "Riley," he sighed with worry. "Baby . . ."

"I don't want you to leave me," she cried to him, feeling useless and not sure what to do with herself as she spread her arms out in front of her. James shook his head and moved closer towards her, pulling her into a tight embrace where she buried her head into his chest and soaked his sweater with her salty tears. "I know I said you should go but I really don't think I can be studio head alone."

"Ri," he sighs again in response, rubbing her back up and down. He kneeled down in front of her, holding her small body close to him as he kept his eyes open and listened to her gentle sobs of sadness. "You know you won't be alone, angel. If you really don't want me to go, then I won't. But even if I do, it'll only be for a couple of weeks, you know that," he tells her whilst curling the bottom of a strand of her hair.

"But you have to go, though. I don't want to stop you from missing out," she cries to him. "You deserve this and I don't want to take this opportunity away from you. No matter how much I'll miss you." 

The male dancer shakes his head lightly, lifting his girlfriend up slightly so that he could sit down on her chair instead and pull the girl's body down to sit over the top of his thighs. Her head instinctively rests in the middle of his chest as his arms curve around her spine, arms and body, caressing her entirely.

"I'll miss you too, Riles," he says with a strain in his heart, feeling conflicted as to whether or not he should still travel abroad all the way across the world or not. His body was coursing with excitement before, but now, seeing the hurt and worry striving through his girlfriend, it pained him and put him through such torment that he no longer knew what to do. "Tell you what, why don't we go back to our apartment tonight and I'll have something to show you then?" he inquired, smiling at the idea that had just recently flowed to his mind. 

Riley looked up, raising an eyebrow at the sound of his elated enthusiasm, but her forehead remained creased, with her eyes red and puffy.

"Show me what?" she questioned. James took her shaking hands in his and bought one of her knuckles to his lips where he kissed it with warmth and affection, causing her to smile slightly at his loving gesture.

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