His girl

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Riley discreetly closed the door to her boyfriend's bedroom before heading back downstairs where the current party was taking place in his house, after dropping her nightbag on top of his bed. People were dancing, swigging their cigarettes, drinking and talking, but despite all the crowd, the blond could easily spot her boyfriend through the thick tufts of people as she stood on the middle of the staircase before making her way over.

She walked around the circle of people who had been playing a rather explicit game of 'seven minutes in heaven' and the girl ignored them when she heard one of her friend's voices call her over to take part. Instead, she sauntered over towards her boyfriend and approached him by wrapping her arms around his torso from behind and resting her chin on his shoulder, watching as he poured himself another glass of beer.

"Hey," she said cutely, using her fingers to ruffle his rather thick navy blue t-shirt. It made him grin and turn himself around to face her, immediately lowering his head down to join their lips together in a sweet kiss. "This is, like, your fourth drink tonight, Jay," the girl sighed despondently. "And you promised that tonight would be special. I don't really want my last day with you before you leave for London tomorrow afternoon to be occupied by you getting intoxicated with liquid." 

James chuckled at his girlfriend's depressing tone and he wrapped one arm firmly around her. He places his glass on the counter behind him to hold her in his arms properly, pulling her small frame all the more closer to him.

"I promise it will be special, baby. And this is only my second drink, actually," he said to mock her slightly. "I don't plan on getting drunk tonight, Ri. Promise," he tells her. She sighs but ends up believing him as she nods and says 'okay' to no further judgement. "Now give me a kiss," he declared. 

The girl smiled warmly and reached up on her tiptoes to give him a much more passionate kiss than the last one, slowly crawling her arms from behind his back to the front of his chest where she even began to trace her fingers under his sweater to rub his abs. The guy laughed a little at his girl's dominance before pulling briefly away from her. "We've got all night, babe. Don't rush it," he said. 

Riley couldn't hide the blush that shortly became emitted on her face but she tried not to show it by clambering into her boyfriend's touch, allowing him to wrap his arm over her shoulders and rub her arm gently up and down before turning to the guys.

"Did I seriously hear what I just think I heard?" Eldon asked himself in shame, but all James did was smirk, not wanting to make his girlfriend feel uncomfortable by any means. West chuckled and pat his guy-friend's shoulder with no spare words mentioned subsequently.

"Alright, man, you said that tonight was Riley's rite of passage, right?" Hunter spoke up suddenly, in such a loud voice that it created a crowd. Riley looked up at James, placing a hand lightly on his chest as if to ask what they were talking about, but he gave her no input at all and left her wondering in confusion.

"Yeah, you got the shots?" James pestered his mates. Hunter nodded and pulled out a platter of small-glass shots to put on the table, each filled with different kinds of alcohol. 

"Jay?" Riley asked quietly into his ear. "You never said anything about this."

James looked down at Riley with worry, not wanting to upset her, so he pulled her away from everyone else and took her by the hands. "It's just something the guys do, babe. Each time we get a new girlfriend, we give them this rite of passage where the bros see if they're good enough for whoever it is to be dating them. We never got around to doing it with you, but we figured tonight would be a good time to do it."

"But, what am I even meant to do?" Ri questioned, fretting over the sudden responsibility she had been given. James took on her confusion and smiled softly to let her know it was nothing serious; just a ridiculous game the guys had come up with possibly a total of five years ago.

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