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Riley's POV:

I chew on the inside flesh of my bottom lip as I sat on a chair in the principal's office, my eyes bloodshot from the amount of tears that had dropped down my face. James still wasn't hear yet, though he had been sent a note from one of the students saying to come to the office immediately. I felt like shit. My parents are going to be called in soon as well and it's all because of what happened two weeks ago.

My knees rocked with my foot tapping up and down on the ground, despite the amount of times I tried to stop it. It just continues without me noticing. My arms were folded tightly over my stomach, tears draining like pools falling out of my pupils. My science teacher was sat on the edge of the desk too, handing me a tissue every now and again. They even got the counsellor to come in and calm me down, getting me to take deep and slow breaths as if that'll erase everything and get rid of the current situation.

"Riley, we need to talk about this, poppet," Miss Rivers tells me, like she suddenly cared about me, my life and my body. 

"Yeah, before your parents get involved," the principal adds.

"C-Can we wait for James to get here, please? He doesn't know yet and I don't want it to come as a shock to him by my parents scolding him for something he doesn't know about," I manage to conquer up the strength of saying. All three teachers exchange looks with one another before looking back at me and then nod, so I relax a little and breathe out, trying to keep my sanity.

It's in that exact moment that there's a knock on the door but he doesn't even wait for a response before entering, then his eyes almost instantly land on me and he raises an eyebrow. He was supposed to have a football match right now, considering it was the end of the school day, but thanks to me he has to miss it. He was in his jersey and was carrying a helmet in his left arm but he puts it down on one of the seats before walking over to stand by my side, slightly above me and places a hand on my shoulder.

"Ri? What's going on? Has something happened?" he asks, aiming his words at all three teachers. I sniffle a little and look down, fiddling with my hands and fingers whilst beginning to cry a whole lot more because of the solace in his voice. All the comfort and support he's giving to me now is all going to vanish when he finds out. He holds my hand and kisses the top of my hair when he notices the tears flooding down my cheeks and just how disheartened I seemed to be.

"Mr. Salvatore, there is something we, including Miss Montgomery, have to discuss with you. Please take a seat," Mrs. Rowe tells him sternly with her hands under her chin and glasses resting at the pointed tip of her sharp nose. I sniff back the snot dreading to fall, but then James squeezes my hand lightly and says,

"Okay, but no thanks. I'm good standing." It somehow lifts my spirts, hoping he won't suddenly turn his back and leave me to have to deal with this all on my own. 

Mrs.. Rowe nods a little but then looks at me as if to ask for my permission. I nod as much as I could, which happened to only be to a partial extent before I began to feel dizzy. She shuffles backwards on the swivel chair to open the desk and then pulls out the white box packaging, making me exhale in disappointment with myself and look down, not wanting to view James's reaction. She opens one flap of the box (which had obviously already been torn apart from the first time I had opened it) and then she takes it out. 

The stick. 

The white stick. 

The one with the positive symbol on it. 

The one that could make or break my relationship with James.

I feel his grip tighten on my palm, but he doesn't let go. He stays clutching my palm tightly in his own one.

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