Broken (pt.3)

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a/n: before you read, just know this isn't proofread

James's POV:

Whilst we're sat on a sofa swing in my backyard, both of us holding glasses of champagne in our hands, Riley giggles at a comment I had made about the two of us and as her laugh leaves her lips, I'm met with her perfectly cute smile and I can't help but smile back at her. As she looks down and bites her lip, I reach my hand across to cup her cheek, bringing her eyes back to mine.

"I haven't told you this at all tonight, but you're beautiful. You know that, right?" I tell her. An all-too familiar blush appears on both her cheeks and I lean in to kiss her, to which she kisses back before we pull apart. Then she shuffles closer to me and rests her head on my shoulder whilst I wrap my arm around her body and rest my chin over the top of her hair.

"I've missed you," she whispers.

"Yeah? For how long?" I smirk.

"Since you left for London. Eight whole fricking years ago," she mumbles. "That's how much history we have."

"We've got a lotta things, Ri," I tell her, my lips brushing against her locks. "History... Chemistry... We used to have a bit of physics going on too," I chuckle. She looks up at me and rolls her eyes playfully while nuzzling her head into my neck. "I still remember the first night we did it. Your squeals... moans..."

"Okay, enough with the teasing. It was my first time losing my virginity, alright," she argues, making me laugh and press a kiss to her temple.

"Well, for the record, I was a virgin too at that point."

"I know you were," she murmurs. "You could have fooled everyone but me. There's no way your stupid, cocky self wasn't a virgin. I couldn't possibly imagine you doing that. Especially with you having no hair. I mean, you were cute and all, but you look much better the way it is now," she tells me. She leans forward and lifts one hand up to detangle my curls with her small, nimble fingers and she links her other hand with my free one. "I love you," she says.

"I love you too, babe." I kiss her once again but then carefully take her hand out of my hair to hold both of hers properly, as if her rings were fragile diamonds. "But we need to think about how we're going to do this. I want to be with you and love you and kiss you and see you every second of the day...-"

"But... we need to work around Violet," she finishes for me and I slowly nod. "I don't know how to go through with this," she sighs, holding her head in her hands and turning her body around so that it was positioned straight and facing forwards. I place my hand on her back as it goes silent, both of us thinking over our relationship. Soon, she lifts her head up and looks at me with that prudent look in her eyes when she's thought of an idea, so I move my hand to her knee and rub it lightly. 

"Have you thought of something?" I ask her. 

"Come home with me tonight. Then we can talk to Violet in her bedroom when I'm putting her to sleep. We can read her a bedtime story and just hope that another argument doesn't start."

"Are you sure?"

"She has to understand at some point. I can't deal with secretly seeing my boyfriend and lying to my daughter fifty percent of the time."

"Okay. We'll do it then," I say and she smiles when I pull her back into me, bringing her head back down to my chest as we hug for a little while longer, with me spending every moment I have with her in the best way I can. Despite not wanting to, there could be a time where I lose her all over again.

Riley's POV:

"Mommy!" Violet squeals the moment I open the front door. She jumps off the chair by the table and scurries over to me on her little legs before engulfing me in a hug, her arms wrapping around the back of my shins and head resting by my abdomen. I chuckle and reach down to hug her back, wrapping my arms entirely around her body.

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