Shameless hate

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Sensitive topic.

"Tell me one thing you love about me," Riley says to her boyfriend as she lay on top of him on his bed. One of her hands were placed on his chest and the other traced the small stubbly hairs on his chin as she looked down at him. James, on the other hand, had both of his hands placed on Riley's hips, caressing her gently through the fabric of one of his stolen hoodies Riley had previously 'borrowed'.

"I love everything about you, baby," he replies, looking at her warm-heartedly. She rolls her eyes with a smirk and then moves the hand from his chest to his curls to lightly detangle them.

"Okay, but that's not a proper answer." She looks into his chocolate brown eyes for a moment and smiles. "You have to say one certain thing you love about the way I look, one thing you love about my personality, and one word that describes me as a whole," she declares.

"Okay . . ." the boy says slowly, scanning his girlfriend's appearance. However, just as he was about to start the little pastime she had come up with, she cuts him off quickly.

"Actually, wait. I'll go first."

"Okay," he chuckles, kissing her forehead. Riley slowly rolls off of his body to lie down beside him instead, her head nuzzling into the nape of his neck and causing him to wrap a secure arm around her as he pulls her body closer.

"So, one of your looks that I adore, apart from your crotch," she smirks, glancing down at the said body part quickly before looking at him again, "is your hair. Like, honestly, I could run my fingers through it for hours. Not going to lie, you looked pretty cute when your hair wasn't fully grown, but I prefer what you look like now," she tells him, pressing a kiss to his cheek. He laughs a little and nods.

"Right," he says, unsure of whether to take it as a compliment or not. 

"Your turn."

"Okay, well," he starts, turning onto his side and stroking her loose blonde hair that ran down just below her shoulders. "I love your eyes. Every time I look at them, I just get lost and pulled in so deep that I could stare at them forever. Whenever I look into your eyes, Ri, it just reminds me of how cute you are and how I'm so lucky that you're mine." Riley smiles as he finishes and bites her lip lightly, both of them now staring deep into the other's pupils.

"That was cute," she says. He chuckles shortly. "Now, what I love about your personality is when you get so overprotective of both me and your sisters whenever we go out. It proves just how great of a father you're going to be to our children one day and I love seeing the sweet, caring side to you than the dumb, popular jerk other people see. Because you're not dumb or a jerk." She pauses and brushes her thumb softly over his cheek. "You're the guy I'm in love with. And one word I would describe you as is stoical because even when you're hurting, you don't show it around the people you care about because you don't want to hurt them. And I find it adorable."

"Well," he says, still processing everything she had just told him. Butterflies were flying inside his stomach and he could feel his heart doing somersaults in his chest. It was only Riley who could make him feel that way, and he had never admitted it to anyone but her. 

"What I admire about your personality is the fact that you don't take no for an answer. When you want something, you stick to it and never back down. I know it doesn't seem like it, since your sister does the same thing. But it's the way you do it that I love. You don't make a big deal out of it. You don't threaten people in the process or become this big bitch that backstabs people. You don't guilt people into giving you what you want either. You just stay honest and truthful and somehow stay yourself as well. Like when we dethroned Emily as captain. You did what you thought was best for yourself and the team. And the time with Amanda and Elite. You bit the bullet and auditioned for a solo you never would have auditioned for before because you wanted her off the team and no one else to get hurt. I guess the word that describes you is courageous. Bravery's a good colour on you, babe," he tells her, kissing her temple. Her cheeks had flooded fifty shades of red.

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