Brother, meet boyfriend (pt.2)

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James's POV:

Later that night, I sat in my room scrolling through pictures of Riley and I on my phone. All I could think about was her and how hurt she seemed when she saw Luke and I fighting. I couldn't get her out of my mind, including the look in her eyes when she told me she already knew about everything Luke must have said to me. He's said it all to her before. Her own brother has been bullying her ever since she was little and I never knew. 

She's supposed to be my girl, yet I never knew about what was going on in her own family. I was a year older than her, meaning it was very rare for us to see each other in school but the times I did see her, she always seemed so happy. She'd be protected by Michelle since they became best friends and even at dance, she seemed fine. She promised me that she'd tell me if anything was ever wrong with her but she didn't stand by that oath. I'm supposed to be able to look after her and make sure she's never upset but I've failed.

It was dark outside now but I hadn't bothered to get up ever since I got home and stepped foot in my room. My bedroom curtains were still drawn open, revealing all five photo frames of pictures of Riley and I. My favourite one was where her hands were gripping my top, pulling me down to her height so I had access to her lips to kiss her. Her hair was brown and cut short, like it is now, and she was smiling within the kiss, something I found ridiculously cute about her.

Sighing, I roll my head back to rest against the border of the headrest belonging to my bed. She still hadn't responded to any of my text messages, nor any of my calls and I was beginning to get worried. She told me she just needed some time alone but it's been over three hours now. I didn't know if she was at home, the studio or somewhere else. She could be wondering the streets alone right now and that thought terrified me. My Riley walking along the dark streets swarmed by the predators we call neighbours. Anything could happen to her.

Just as that thought crosses my mind, I figure I can't take it anymore. I jump off the bed, wriggle my feet into the soles of my shoes, not bothering to do up the laces, then I grab my hoody from off the peg on the back of my wooden bedroom door.

Mom was busy cooking in the kitchen opposite the lounge, so I decide to sneak out through the backdoor instead. She doesn't notice me, thankfully, and I doubt Piper did either.

It was cold outside. Freezing, even. I had to stuff my hands into the depths of my pockets as I headed over to my car parked across the road. I'd only just passed my driving test a couple of weeks ago so I was still getting used to the feeling of owning my own car. Every time I stepped foot in the vehicle, all I could think about was the date I took Riley on when we went to the drive-in movies.

Driving down the streets which were only lit up by the dimmest lamps, I search left and right for any sight of my girlfriend whilst driving in the direction of her house. 

Using Bluetooth, I attempted calling her once more but, again, she never answered. 

It wasn't until I pulled up at her house that I saw her open up the front door, wearing one of my hoodies which pretty much looked like a dress on her and a pair of leggings. Before she can go anywhere, I quickly turn off the engine of the car and get out, closing the door shut behind me and locking it. I jogged after her as she walked down the path with one hand in her pocket. The other hand was holding her phone, so I knew for a fact that she had seen my missed calls and messages. What didn't make sense was why she had ignored me. Surely, she could have quickly called me back at the least, or sent a simple text message. 

"Riley," I call her, tapping her shoulder lightly once I've reached her. She shivers and jumps, turning around with the most frightened look on her face but when she sees it was only me, she sighs and lets out a shaky breath.

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