Always and Forever (pt.2)

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a/n: omg I don't even know why this took me so long to type, but I've made it slightly longer compared to other one-shots so it's fair, lol

Riley's POV:

"And you're absolutely certain that this is a good idea, Ri?" Emily asks for the third time this afternoon as she finishes off my French braid. I roll my eyes and turn around to look at her once she's added the final hair-tie to the end of the plait, and I cross my arms over my chest. "Don't give me that look, sis," she snaps, getting off of the bed to stand in front of me instead. "I may not be dancing at the studio as much anymore but Steph still tells me everything that goes on there, and the things she's said about you and James aren't exactly thrilling."

"You and Steph talk about us?" I ask with a cocked brow and a frown upon my face. 

"Yes," she answers bluntly. "A lot of a-troupe do, to be honest." I roll my eyes at her blatant comments and I drop my arms by my sides, just before there's a knock on the door. Em walks towards the windowsill and looks out before clicking her tongue to give a clear confirmation.

"Well, he's here," she says. "Guess it's a bit late to turn him down."

"Definitely," I say. I stand up and look at myself in the mirror before biting my lip as I pull my small white handbag-purse over my left shoulder, and a front strand of hair falls out of place to structure a small, mini curl by my right eye. "Are the shorts too-much, do you think?" I ask, not only to Emily, but to myself as well as I looked over the short black denim that just about covered my thighs. 

"You look fine, Ri," she tells me. She walks over and then stands behind me and lays her hands over my shoulder. "If my memory's correct, you're the one who told me he loves you about ten minutes ago, right?" she avows. I look down and lick the corner of my mouth where my lips had gone pretty damp. As I don't answer, unsure of his love myself, she sighs and moves to stand in front of me. "He does love you, Ri. Even I know that," she says. I chuckle a little and then hug her lightly.

"Thanks, Em."

"No problem. What are sisters for, huh?" she says into my ear before pulling back. "Now go on. It's been a while since you and him had a bit of fun together," she sneers.

"Um . . ." I say slowly, not sure what she was intending to say when she lets out those words, and then she has an entire fit about it and nudges me in the arm.

"Oh my god, Ri. Not like that. You know I don't ever want to think about the two of you like that even if I have walked in on it before," she says. That makes my stomach churn and cheeks turn rosy that time.

"Okay, yeah. I think we're done talking," I giggle. She nods and then opens the bedroom door for me to descend the stairs before unlocking and opening the door to my boyfriend: his hair chiselled with only the top half untrimmed and his eyes dilated when he sees me. I smile a little, holding the door by my side before I notice the way he was scratching the back of his neck.

"Should I have bought a rose or something?" he questions, making me laugh a little. "Because, darn, Ri," he says as he shakes his head. "You look gorgeous."

Before I have the chance to compliment him back, he reaches over and presses his lips against my own for several moments until pulling back at the same time as I hear footsteps approach us both, then a shriek and a sigh of aggression. I'm pretty sure I could almost hear my sister's eyeroll as well, as she says: 

"For God's sake, guys. You've been back together for two minutes and still can't keep your lips to yourselves."

James and I both chuckle, looking at each other and he takes my hand in his after tucking that one loose front strand of baby hair behind my ear.

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