Broken (pt.1)

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Several years after season 4

"She hates me," James sighs. He was sat on the couch with his legs in front of him, body crouched forward and head in his hands as he thought over what had just happened and been said in the past fifteen minutes. "She hates me, babe." 

Riley shakes her head and walks around the room before sitting down beside him. She takes hold of his hands, causing him to look up at her and into the eyes that always put him into the right place, soothing him and calming him down.

"She doesn't hate you, James," she tells him gently. "She's just finding it hard to adapt to this new life, okay."

Ever since Riley and Alfie had been 'secretly' dating four years ago when James was away in London, things had never quite settled between the three of them. Not long after Riley ditching Alfie at the airport to get back to the guy she knew she loved, she had fallen pregnant only a few weeks later, with a baby girl. When James found out about the pregnancy, he was absolutely stunned and things between them had gone from better to worse. He had only thought Riley and Alfie had a secret affair, not that they had made love to each other, and it only made him feel all the more betrayed. Alfie and Riley weren't talking throughout the entire pregnancy period, though he promised he would send enough money to provide for Violet's needs. Violet still got to have days out with her father, but Riley hardly ever spoke to him again. When Violet turned five, Riley had coincided with James once again through a TNS reunion party, and after that, they had been seeing each other a lot more, like they used to, and their love rekindled again. However, Violet had never been informed of their relationship until two years later, and she was now seven.

And unfortunately, things hadn't gone so great. A large argument had dispersed at the dinner table as they ate. It had started with Violet not wanting to pass a dish over to James, which led to Riley telling her to be nice, but that only caused the girl to get more triggered. Eventually, it brought up a huge dispute between the mother and daughter whilst James sat there, unsure of what to say, let alone do.

"I don't think this is going to work out, Ri," he says after a while. Riley's face falters and her heart shattered inside her chest. She'd heard that line three times in the past through various different guys she had met and tried to start a relationship with for it not meant to be. She never would have thought she'd hear it again. Not now that she and James were back together. And she especially did not think the one guy she truly loved would say those few words to her either.

"James," she says, her heart beating rapidly. "No, we can. I promise. I- I'll talk to Violet, okay. I'll tell her to be kinder to you and that you're the love of my life now. She needs to understand that her father's away in Switzerland and doesn't even love her-"

"Ri, it's not going to work," James repeats. "She clearly doesn't like me."

"She'll grow to like you, James."

"Maybe. But she's known about me and you for two months now and she still treats me like a stranger." He breathes out and turns his body around slightly to hold her hands even more tightly and shuffle closer towards her. "Violet should be your priority right now, Riles. Not me, okay."

"But you can both be my priorities. Please, James. I can't lose you again."

"And you won't," he tells her softly. "I'll always be here. But as a friend. Just not a boyfriend. I love you, okay," he says. She blinks, attempting to hold back her tears but moves closer to him either way and flings her arms around his neck and shoulders to hug him. As she nuzzles her head into his neck, he sighs and closes his eyes, wrapping his arms around her small waist and body and kisses the top of her head.

"Don't leave me, James," she whispers quietly, unaware of the seven-year-old girl who was stood by the staircase, watching them past the wooden banister.

"I'm not leaving you, Ri. I'm just a phone call away if you ever need me, baby. But you need to cater for Vi and take care of her properly, without any distractions." 

A few short moments pass as the couple continue to cuddle, holding each other's embrace for much longer than expected.

"I love you," the blonde declares. She pulls away and the two exchange a tender look of adoration for each other before leaning forward to kiss each other on the lips, one last time before they would have to take a long-term break again. As they pull away, James sighs and looks down to the ground, not wanting to digest the look of pure hurt and agony on the girl's beautiful features.

"Don't worry. I'll show myself out," he says, then gets up and makes his way to the door. He takes his coat off the peg and holds it in his arms. The sound of the door opening fills Riley's ears but all she addresses it as is pain and heartbreak, wondering why her life choices had to be so difficult. The door shuts and the light, discreet 'bang' sound echoes throughout her body as the remains of her heart shatter into a hopeless field of emotions. She gets up and turns around at the same time as the little girl who had been watching from the staircase scurries up the steps and into their shared bedroom.

Not bothering to wash the plates or tidy the house up the way she usually would before going to bed, Riley decides to leave her home in its messy state as she goes on and upwards into her room. She finds Violet sitting on the edge of the bed in her long-sleeved pyjama bottoms and top, her long, dark brown hair untied and falling down past her shoulders.

"I'm taking you've brushed your teeth already?" Riley mutters without adding one of the usual nicknames she would call her daughter. The seven-year-old nods her head, sensing her mother's distraught mood and feelings as she hauls off her cold-shoulder top, leaving her in her tank top and shorts which she chose to wear to sleep. She wasn't exactly annoyed at Violet for James leaving, but much more annoyed at herself. She should have made the transition much more easier for her daughter, rather than complicated, rushed and major.

Violet reciprocates her mother's actions and clambers into the large double bed beside her, Riley spooning her protectively despite the annoyance of which was clouding her judgement. The older female stretches her arm across the bed to reach the lamp and turn it off before moving her hand back into place under the covers.

"Mommy?" the young girl calls.


"Are you mad at me?" she asks, turning around to face her mother and look at her in spite of the severe darkness. Riley's heart softens as she hears her daughter's words, sensing the fear in her small voice, which reeled her mother back to reality.

"No, baby," she tells her. "I'm not mad at you. I'm just a little bit upset. But I'm fine." She places a kiss on Violet's temple, but as she replays the words in her mind, she begins to question if she really was fine. "I'm okay," she whispers quietly again. Emotions stir and feelings flutter around the pit of her stomach while she thought about James, but then she gets rid of them by immediately switching her gaze back to Violet. "I love you, sweetheart."

"I love you too, Mommy."

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