Back To School

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mentions of self harm and suicide

Third Persons POV:

Three weeks of suspension from school does not mean that one Aizawa Izuku did not work.

He had classwork and homework and don't even think that just because he was at home any physical exercise was not done.

Oh no. No no no.

His father was not so kind as to just leave him and let him be.

So, he did his work and physical training was harsher than it really should've been, but he guesses it was punishment.

The only time he got to relax was on weekends and that was only for a few hours.

Now, three weeks after he was suspended, it was time for him to go back to school.


The moment Izuku walked through the door of 1A, all conversation stopped and everybody stared at him.

The whole class, except his brothers and their partners, looked at him with disgust and hostility.

It was nothing new, Izuku knew, he has been subjected to this for nearly his whole life before being adopted by his fathers, but even so, it still hurt.

He had always thought that after being adopted, he wouldn't have to face this again. He wouldn't have to see those looks on people's faces directed at him again.

He tried to tell himself that it doesn't matter, that he should've expected this to happen sometime. He tried to convince himself that he was fine and that it doesn't hurt.

So, he put a mask of indifference on his face and walked towards his desk, ignoring the whispers and the looks of disgust. Ignoring everyone.

He sat at his desk and stared straight ahead, trying to make it look like he doesn't care, that the words don't affect him.

He knew better, still, he played ignorance.

It doesn't get better as the day goes on, in fact, it only got worse.

Lunch was the worst, as the whole school was staring at him. Pointing and whispering.

Disgust. Hatred. Caution. Afraid.

Those were the emotions he had seen throughout the day, no one even trying to hide it.

It doesn't hurt.

It doesn't.

Whenever Kaminari would try to get close to talk to him, or Izuku would try to talk to Kaminari, his classmates would always interfere.

Stating that Izuku was dangerous.

The he was a monster.

It made Izuku just feel more and more guilty each time.

So, he began avoiding Kaminari.

At school, at home when he came over to visit, and everywhere else.

Kaminari wasn't the only one that he started to ignore.

He began to distance himself from everyone, even his own family, even if it meant skipping meals.

That was another thing. He has stopped eating. Only eating an apple or a banana every two days maybe.

He knows that he's worrying his family, but he couldn't bring himself to care.

And so the days turn into weeks and nothing changes.

His nightmares came back and it caused him to lose sleep.

Some days his family would get desperate, so they would corner him and force him to eat with them. On those days he makes sure to take out his hearing aids, always looking down at his food so he wouldn't see them signing and then excusing himself and hurrying to his room.

His days always felt endless and it took more energy than it should to force himself to get out of bed and get ready for the day.

He felt numb once more, and he wanted it.

So, he resorted to self harm, again.

He knew his family would be disappointed in him, but that did little to stop him, and only made him but himself more.

Some days he wonders of ending it, getting close to it but then stopping, remembering the promise he had made to Kaminari after his last attempt.

So, now he lives his days as a shell of himself, not taking in anything, and just going through the motions.

He was alive, but at the same time, he wasn't.

Author's Note
Hi guys.
I know it's been a while since I updated but hopefully, you can forgive me.

This chapter isn't my best and not exactly how I imagined it but it's better than nothing.

I already have an idea for the next chapter but hopefully you guys could be patient.

Hope you guys are safe and healthy!

Enjoy your night/day


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