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Third Person's POV:

Izuku was currently sat in a chair infront of Principle Nezu. Ectoplasm was standing behind the boy, making sure he won't try to walk away.

Izuku sat there holding his fists that he had injured. They had wanted to call Recovery Girl to help heal him but he refused.

After Ectoplasm told him what he knew of what happened, Nezu had asked Izuku to tell him what his side of the story was but he refused to talk.

And now here they sat. Nezu was sitting there waiting for Izuku to start talking only to get silence in return.

They have been doing this the whole morning and Nezu was starting to lose his patience.

There was a bell ringing, signalling the start of lunch when Nezu spoke up.

"Ectoplasm, please send one of your clones to the faculty room. Tell them that I want all of them in the meeting room right away."

Nezu said that while looking at Izuku. Said boy just continued to stay silent, even daring to look Nezu in the eyes daring him.

A few minutes later, the clone returned and Nezu stood up.

"Midoriya, if you would please follow me." And he did.

He stood up and followed Nezu until they reached the meeting room.

When Nezu entered the room fell silent. They all wanted to know what was happening and only got more confused when they saw Izuku enter behind Nezu along with Ectoplasm.

The only ones who weren't confused were those who witnessed what had happened.

Ectoplasm closed the door behind him and so, the meeting started.

"This morning, Mr. Midoriya attacked one of his fellow classmates," Nezu started. Those who did not know, was shocked to hear this.

"From what I have been told, he was punching the student, not giving him a chance to defend himself. When Vlad King, Ectoplasm and Snipe arrived, he was held down by three other students, Todoroki, Bakugou and Shinsou. However, Midoriya had gotten away from them had attacked the student, Kaminari, again. Ectoplasm used clones to stop Midoriya in which he still struggled against. He was also screaming and calling him names. Kaminari was escorted by Vlad King to Recovery Girl and Ectoplasm escorted Midoriya to me. After Ectoplasm explained to me what he saw happened, I had asked Midoriya his side of the story in which he refused to utter a single word. I called all of you here to discuss his punishment." Nezu explained.

Eveyone quickly got over their shock and nodded.

"Izuku will be suspended. That, is a given fact. I wanted to discus with you the details."

Everyone was silent for a moment, before Vlad King spoke up.

"I think he should be suspended for at least two to three weeks. I was there, I saw what he did to Kaminari and in any normal school that could get you expelled." he said.

(I actually don't know if that is true, I just made shit up.)

Nezu nodded,"We can go with three weeks then. And Midoriya, don't even try it."

Everyone looked at Izuku to see he was about to protest, only to be stopped by Nezu.

"Well, we obviously know that an apology is a given." Snipe said. Everyone nodded at that.

"He is not to aproach Kaminari. To speak or for whatever reason. Only when Kaminari is comfortable around him again and consent it." Cementoss suggested. Everyone agreed.

"Mmmm, good. I think we should leave it to Aizawa to decide wether he'd be kicked out of the hero course or not. We all know that he plays fair, and will not make a dicision based on wether he knows the person or not." Nezu said. Everyone agreed.

"Now then. Vlad, Ectoplasm, if you two would join me in escorting Mr. Midoriya. The rest of you can go back to the faculty room and enjoy the rest of your break."  Nezu said.

Vlad King and Ectoplasm stood up and followed Nezu along with Izuku.

First, they went to the class, getting Izuku's bag. Then, they went to the cafeteria.

The cafeteria was noisy and full of students. But upon entering, it quickly fell silent. The students watched as the two teachers along with the principle escorted Izuku.

They stopped infront of the table where Kaminari along with his friends were sitting.

Everyone watched as Nezu stepped out of the way. Izuku stepped forward infront of Kaminari. Nobody missed how Kaminari flinched away from him.

Although Izuku was about to apologize, he still glared at Kaminari, still not happy about what he had found out this morning.

Taking in a deep breath, Izuku bowed down 90 degrees. "I'm sorry for attacking you this morning. Even though you deserved it, it was wrong of me to do so. I may have had a good reason for my actions, yet it was apparently not good enough to attack you. So sorry." 

Everyone in the cafeteria looked at him with a 'wtf' face. What kind of apology was that.

Izuku stood upright again, and turned around ready to walk away. The teachers along with Nezu gave him dissaproving looks. Dissapointment were written all over their face.

They were about to walk away when Kaminari stopped them.

"Wait. I don't forgive you. I don't know what your reason were for attacking me, but I don't think it was enough reason to attack me. So, I don't forgive you." Kaminari said.

Izuku was heard laughing softly, before he talked, "Why the fuck do you think I would care whether you forgive me or not?"

Kaminari stared at him shocked before asking one more qeustion.

"Where are you going? School is not over yet."

Izuku turned around and looked at Kaminari smirking.

"Well, this little stunt of mine had conseqeunces. I am suspended for three weeks. So, until then." Izuku said saluting before turning away and walking following the pro heroes with Nezu.

Everyone was in shock.

"Dad is gonna be pissed."

Two chapters in one day! Hope you enjoyed it.

So, if any one is confused, I am using their surnames so it is easier to identify them. They are all still brothers, bit you can't go and call all of them fucking confusing will this be.


Remember to be safe and healthy!

Hope you have an amazing day/night!


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