The Truth Revealed

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My dreams came true earlier than I expected
And the despair found me earlier too
The happy moments might have stopped somewhere between the two

Chanyeol: Hand


"I just did what everyone wanted me to," Izuku said, which left Aizawa perplexed.

"I-, Izuku what?"

"Why do you sound shocked? The whole class hates me, and at this point, it's not even a secret anymore."

After saying that, Izuku laughs in a self-deprecating way, which made Aizawa frown.

" 'zuku, how long has this been going on?" Aizawa asked, voice hard and serious.

"I don't know. It started like, right after I got back from suspension. I'm excluded, cursed at, my homework mysteriously disappears or gets destroyed, I mysteriously end up with all these injuries, and oh! You know what's my favorite?" Izuku said, his question asked with fake excitement.

"The fact that my brothers join in. Fun," he said, a scoff leaving as he looked at the ground, eyes suspiciously wet.

Aizawa frowns and his eyes darken. He feels an unimaginable rage bubble up inside his chest, hot and burning like the hottest fire.

The thing that pissed him off the most, was the fact that his other sons joined in on it and didn't put a stop to it or reported it like they were supposed to.

Oh, he was livid.

And no one was going to escape his wrath.


Class 1A Dorms


ida Tenya was a person with firm beliefs and morals.

He stood by justice. Rules were there to be followed, not broken.

Iida liked to associate himself with people who felt the same as he does. People who believed in justice and stood by the law.

Never in his life, had his judgment about someone been wrong. They always proved to be like how he thought. Law-abiding citizens, even though they do sometimes break the rules.

Iida Tenya's judgment had never been wrong, until Midoriya Izuku.

Midoriya Izuku, who at first glance, was a bright student, anxious about anything and everything, and the sweetest and friendliest person Iida had ever had the pleasure of meeting.

Even though they had a rough start, with Iida's behavior at the start of the year, they had become fast friends, along with Uraraka and Asui.

Midoriya had been someone he admired, not like he admired his brother, but still admired.

He has this passion for heroics, the determination to save everyone, even if impossible, that it proves to be inspiring to Iida.

He strives to be a person like that in the future.

Midoriya had been everything Iida Tenya stood for.

Until the incident with Kaminari.

It had been like his whole world had been upturned, all his views on Midoriya, kind, sweet Midoriya, had been shattered and replaced with the hard truth.

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