Facing The Parents

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Third Person's POV:

It was currently lunch time at U.A High.

The teachers, along with Nezu, were in the faculty room. They were either marking work or just discussing things when the door opened.

Walking through the door was none other than Shouta Aizawa and Hizashi Yamada.

Everyone greeted them and they did the same.

Suddenly, the whole room fell silent, confusing the two pro heroes.

"Hey guys? What's wrong?" Yamada asked.

The teachers all looked at each other, before Thirteen spoke up.

"Soo, who's gonna tell them?" they asked, not wanting to be on the recieving end of their raph.

Especially Aizawa's.

Giving an anoyed sigh, Aizawa asked them what they needed to know.

"Uhhh, right." Vlad King started. Clearing his throat, he continued.

"Two days ago, one of your students attacked a fellow classmate. Seeing the damage he did, and refusing to stop only when Ectoplasm, Snipe and myself stepped in, we had the student suspended for three weeks. He was also not to approach the student he attacked and we left the rest to you. Wether he would be kicked from the hero course or not." Vlad finished.

Looking at Aizawa, anyone in the room could see he was angry.


It was a simple qeustion. One that no one wanted to answer but had to.

"Uhh, Kaminari was the student attacked." Snipe answered him.

"The attacker Snipe. I want the name of the attacker." Aizawa said, losing his patience by the second.

He was met with silence. No one wanted to tell him that the one who attacked another student was his son, but they had no choice.

After a long awkward silence, Vlad King spoke up.

"Izuku. The one who attacked Kaminari and got suspended was Izuku, Aizawa."

Everyone in the faculty room held their breaths and waited.

They didn't need to wait for long, because in a matter of seconds, both Aizawa and Yamada's expression became unreadeable.

No one made a sound, not even a peep. It didn't take long before both used the excuse of needing to get to their class to leave, but the rest didn't complain.

They don't know how to handle a normally pissed Shouta, but having both Shouta and Hizashi with unreadable expressions is just looking for trouble.

When they were sure they were both gone, the whole faculty let out their breaths. Even Nezu.

Those were two people you  absolutly do not piss off.

When Aizawa walked into his class, he was emmediatly met with silence when they saw him.

Standing infront of them, he could see his three sons looking at him, all with nervouseness.

'Good,' he thought. He knew his children knows to not make him angry if you wanna live, and that  he'll be pissed when he finds out about Izuku.

The class wasn't as lively as usual, but Aizawa suspects it has been this way since the fight.

When it was time to go home, the three boys waited for Shouta and his husband. It didn't take them long to be on their way to the house, but it did feel like it was taking forever.

I mean, sitting with two raging parents in a car is not something you want.

When they stopped at the house, Shouta didn't waist anytime to get out of the car and storm into the house.

A sigh was heard and all three boys look at their usually loud father. "This, is not gonna end well" he said. The boys just nodded.

Upon entering the house, they could hear yelling coming from above. Hitoshi bit his lip in nervousness, not liking this one bit.

"He fucking deserved it! I will not be sorry for doing something that wasn't wrong!"

"I don't give a fuck if you think he deserved it! You don't have the right to just go around attacking people! You could've been expelled!"

And that is how it went for the next hour. Both of them yelling back and forth at each other, until it just suddenly went silent.

A second later, Izuku's bedroom door opens and slams shut, Shouta storming down the stairs.

Without any form of a goodbye, Shouta left. Not to be seen until late that night.

Hey readers!
So, what did you think?

Remember, stay safe and healthy!

Have an amazing night/day!


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