The Truth Untold

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Bloomed in a garden of loneliness
A flower that resembles you
I wanted to give it to you
After I take off this foolish mask

But I know
I can't do that forever
I have to hide
Because I'm a monster

I am afraid
I am shattered
I'm so afraid
That you will leave me again in the end
Once again I put on a mask and go to see you


2 days ago

"Sho, I'm worried about 'Zuku. He seems...different, y'know? Ever since the Kaminari incident." Hizashi said.

It was already 10 pm and they were just getting ready to go to bed when the voice hero voiced his concerns to his husband.

Said husband sighed as he puffed up his pillow.

Drawing back the duvet, Shouta climbed into bed.

Sitting, he turned to look at his husband, concern clear as day on his face.

"I know 'Zashi. I noticed, especially in class. It's he's isolated, lonely. I was planning on talking to him if it doesn't get better by tomorrow and then the class. This, it isn't good for him, for anyone and I'm planning on putting a stop to it."

"Yeah, that's good. Love you Sho."

"Love you too, Sunshine," Aizawa replied as he kissed Hizashi on the head.


1 day ago

The end-of-school bell rang, dismissing students to their dorms.

Aizawa sighs when he doesn't see Izuku anywhere in sight. He must've run then.

All throughout the day, Aizawa noticed the strange behavior of his son hadn't changed. The fact that the class seemed to be ignoring him also didn't help.

He was starting to get frustrated.

It's like trying to catch that one villain/vigilante, but they were slippery and always get away. It starts to get on your nerves and makes your temper short.

I guess I should be glad that 'Zuku isn't a villain or vigilante that needs catching, huh? Aizawa thought as he made his way to the staff room.

Entering, Aizawa sees identical frowns on his husband's and Vlad's faces.

Frowning, he enters the room and makes his way to the coffee machine.

Just as he was about to ask what the problem was, Hizashi turns towards him and starts speaking.

"Shouta, we need to sit Izuku down and have a talk. This whole week we have been getting nothing but negative remarks from his teachers about homework not being turned in or disrupting the class. Now? Now I have to hear about how my son is a bully! This needs to stop and now!"

His voice had steadily gotten louder as he continued to speak, and was unable to keep the anger and disappointment out of his voice, but if you listened carefully, one would've noticed the underlying concern.

Aizawa frowned, deep in thought as he took a sip of his coffee.

This whole week had been strange.

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