The Art Of Love: Your Eyes Tell

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何故、こんなにも 涙が溢れるの
ねえ、側にいて そして笑ってよ

君のいない未来は 色のない世界

見つめてる 暗闇さえも So beautiful

BTS - Your Eyes Tell



Izuku's head snaps up from where he laid it between his knees.

Standing in front of him, was Monoma Neito, the constant pain in the ass for all of 1A.

Izuku just wants him to go away. He really doesn't have the energy to put up with his antics today.

"Fuck off, Monoma. I don't want to deal with your shit today," he said, his tone harsh and dismissive.

He heard a sigh before he heard that annoying voice again.

"You know Midoriya, I'm not always what I portray myself to be to your class. If you look, like really look and see for yourself, you will see that the world doesn't revolve only around you. If you don't want my help, just say so. I would've understood and left. You didn't need to be a little bitch about it."

After his whole speech, Monoma stood up silently, dusted off the grass from his pants and made his way to leave. Four steps ahead, he stops, looking at the sitting sun.

He doesn't turn, doesn't even glance to where he sits. He keeps gazing at the sun, speaking for the last time, his voice softer than the previous times.

"I expected better from you, Midoriya."

And he was gone, walking back to where he was headed in the first place.

Izuku sat there, shocked. He couldn't comprehend what just happened. He sat there speechless, before dropping his head back onto his knees.

Closing his eyes, he wondered what the fuck his life had become.

The world fades to black.


For days Izuku breathes, but doesn't live. He sees but doesn't comprehend. Listens but doesn't hear.

The world flies by every second, minute and day a blur, forgotten.

Monoma's words keep repeating in his head.

Do I really act like the world revolves around me? It's not like I make everything about myself. I know other people deal with their own problems!

He stops, other students walking around him. He looks up to the sky, sighing.

But do I see them?

He keeps walking.


He never thought that something like this would bother him. Not coming from someone the likes of Monoma anyway.

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