What Happened To Izuku?!

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Izuku's POV:



So, so much blood.

Should it be this much?

Did I cut to deep?

Maybe I should ask for help.


Dad and everyone will be dissapointed in me.

Maybe I should just leave it.

I mean, I will probably die, but it's for the best, right?

No one will care if I die. They will be happy, right?

I'm quirkless and deaf. That is more than enough reason to hate me.

I-i'm useless and-


Is it raining?

No wait, just tears. I'm crying.

So we can add weak to the list too.

Yeah, everyone will be happy.

Smiling, I look down at both my wrists.

I had cut to deep, not noticing as I took my anger out on myself.

The bloodied raizor laid on the floor next to me, where I had dropped it a moment ago.

Maybe it would've been better if dad never stopped me from jumping.

Everyone wouldn't have to worry about me.

I wouldn't have to be such a burden.


I should probably write a note, but then again, no one will care so why bother?

Well, goodbye world. Enjoy life without me.

My last thoughts before everything went black.

Third Person's POV:

"What the hell do you mean you lost Izuku, All Might?!" Aizawa yelled at the number one hero.

The class was shocked, they have never seen their teacher this mad.

Well, except his own children. But that is something they rather not remember.

Kaminari, being the idiot he is, interrupted Aizawa's screaming.

"Uhh, Mr. Aizawa?"

Aizawa stopped mid yell and looked at Kaminari.

Well, if looks could kill.

Quirk activated, and the most scariest glare ever, he turned to Kaminari and forced out a 'what'

"U-umm, may I u-use the bathroom please?" he asked nervously.

The rest of the class gave him a 'are you serious right now' type of look.

Taking a deep breath, as to not blow up on his student, he forced out an answer.

"Just. Go"

And that is what he did. Faster than you can say Eraserhead.

The yelling had continued, only to be yet again stopped by Kaminari.

But this time, it was more important.

The kid came running into the classroom, slamming the door open with so much force, it caught everyones attention immediatly.

He had tears in his eyes and he looked visibly shaken up.

He pointed towards rhe bathrooms, from where he came before stuttering something out.

"M-midoriya, h-he h-he's o-on the bath-bathroom f-floor! A-nd, b-blood, s-so much b-blood!"

Aizawa had run out the door, ordering All Might to keep everyone here. No one was allowed to leave.

Bakugou, Shinsou and Todoroki had stood up, already on their way out the door when All Might stopped them.

"Get the fuck out of my way!" Bakugou had yelled, being the first one at the door.

"I'm sorry Young Bakugou, but you heard Aizawa."

Bakugou collapsed on the floor, head between his knees as he rocked himself back and forth.

You could hear him brearhing heavily. Could hear as sobs escape his body against his will.

All Might recognized it as the boy having a panic attack.

He tried to calm him down, only to somehow make it worse.

Todoroki immediatly stepped in, knowing what to do.

It's not the first time he had helped him through a panic attack.

The class was once again shocked. They have never seen neither of these three boys so...so vulnerable.

And all because of one single boy.

Meanwhile all of this happened, Aizawa found Izuku.

He had ran up to him and checked his pulse, trying to ignore all of the blood.

Feeling the pulse weeken the longer he lays there, Aizawa picked him up and ran to Recovery Girl.

When she saw the state the boy was in, she ordered Aizawa to place him on one of the beds and told him to wait outside.

Knowing it is useless to argue, he had sat on the floor outside the infirmary room, waiting for news.

An hour later, Recovery Girl came out, a saddened look on her face.

Aizawa felt his whole world shatter as tears streamed down his face.

Hey readers!

I hope you enjoued this chapter!

This was not how I origanally planned for it to end but it works.

I know that some of you may hate me right now but I really am sorry.

It is just how the story goes.

Anyway, comments are welcome!

I hope you're healthy and safe at home.

Enjoy your day/night!


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