Broken Trust: The Batrayal Of A Brother

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"One should rather die than be betrayed. There is no deceit in death. It delivers precisely what it has promised. Betrayal, though ... betrayal is the willful slaughter of hope."

Steven Deitz


Katsuki was starting to get frustrated. No matter what the fuck he did, Izuku was still avoiding and ignoring them.

Ignoring him.

It hurts, but he also knows that he has no right to complain, seeing as what the class did to him must have hurt even more. That, plus the fact that he thought that his brothers were a part of it, or simply ignored what was going on around them.

Still, it hurts being ignored by his childhood best friend. His brother in all but blood. The person who had been with him since diapers. The only person who had been a constant in his life since he was born. Since he could remember.

Katsuki, with no other option or idea as to what to do, decided that his Papa was his last resort.

Yes, he could go to Dad, but he knows dad is still missed, and the fact that they need to still have a conversation about this whole ordeal.

The thought alone makes him shudder.

So, Papa it is.

Even then, it took him more than a week to ask the man for advice.

No matter how much he tries to convince himself it's because he was busy, he knows the truth.

The truth where he feels ashamed.

Ashamed because he needs help. Ashamed because he didn't notice, and he let it continue for as long as it did.

Adhamed because his own friends and significant other were a part of it.

Eventually, though, he knew he couldn't drag this out anymore. He needed to have this misunderstanding between them and Izuku sorted. The sooner the better.

So, that Saturday evening, he made his way to his parents' on-campus apartment. It was safe, he knew because Dad was at the station with Uncle Taka working on another case.

Arriving, he stopped, taking in a few calming breaths before knocking.

Logically, he knows that there was no need for him to knock, but they always did. It was a habit all of them picked io from Izuku, and for that he was thankful. All of them.

It had saved them their innocence and sanity from certain bits of...activities that their parents got up to.

Thank fuck for that.

Not a minute later, his Papa opened up the door. The man looked comfortable in his grey sweatpants and white t-shirt with his hair down. He wore his normal description glasses in place of his usual yellow glasses that go with his hero persona.

When Hizashi sees him, he smiles softly while opening the door wide enough for him to come through.

He goes to sit on the couch as his Papa makes his way to the kitchen. A few my it's later, he comes back with some tea and biscuits, setting them on the table in front of the couch, and taking a place next to Katsuki.

After taking a sip from his tea, he turns his attention fully to Katsuki and waits. Clearly knowing what the problem was, but needing him to say it. Voicing his concerns and need for help.

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