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Okay so...

The character Y/N is based on an oc I've had for some time now, I hope you all can identify with them lol

I'm trying to keep Y/N gender neutral and will be using they/them pronouns.

Orochimaru might be out of character sometimes, cause I don't think he would fall in love like, yk ever lmao But I'm trying my best to make him stay as true to himself as I can.

This story is different from what actually happens in Naruto, cause I want to make this story about the relationship between the reader and Orochimaru. Characters like Naruto, Sakura, etc are still gonna be in the story, but they're mostly just living in Konoha, so no war or anything for the most part.

Despite that, the story might still have spoilers so read at your own risk.

I'm no Naruto specialist, so I'm really really sorry if there are things that would be impossible or just work differently, I'm trying my best :')


Okay so let me introduce y/n

You're a shinobi living in konoha and you're about 18-20 years old, but you can make yourself a little older (or younger, but it would make me a lil uncomfy if I wrote a love story between Orochi and a minor)
You're from the L/N clan, which has the ability to control blood, for example if you cut yourself you could make the blood into a sword or whatever you desire, another ability is, that if you touch someone you can make their blood vessels explode, only where you touched tho and both of these techniques are very hard to learn, so there are some people in your clan that can do only very simple blood control jutsu. Your clan used to be really strong but most of them died in the war and the current locations of most of the surviving members are unknown.

Your parents died when you were young (cause yk you're the protagonist, that's a must) You live alone in an apartment, similar to Naruto's. You dont really have any friends but are acquainted with Naruto and Co cause you go and help them on missions from time to time but you're not really the social type and prefer to be on your own.


I appreciate criticism but please be nice.

Also, I love Orochimaru so so much and I just need and outlet for these emotions and that's why I'm writing this story. It's my first story that I'll try to take seriously so don't expect it to be a masterpiece.

Have fun.

Edit: I've already written and published about 6 chapters so far but I'm really unhappy so I'm going to edit them so as soon as chapter 7 is released all previous chapters will be a little different. Sorry about that but they're just too short and badly written so I'll try to fix that.

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