8 - Misunderstood

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As you were sitting there, time passed really slowly, you didn't feel any changes and were wondering if this even worked. You looked at the small snake, sitting on the floor. Thinking it might get too cold, you picked it up and it gently wrapped itself around your arm and hand. It was indeed cold to the touch and you knew snakes were cold-blooded so you tried warming it up a little. It didn't seem so mind as it rested easy on your arm and even let out a little yawn. You smiled at how cute this little thing was. You thought about Orochimaru and how his hand was cold as well but he didn't seem to mind.


10 minutes later there was still nothing extraordinary happening, you felt tired from yesterday, after all these events you didn't really get any sleep, so you thought it couldn't harm to take a short nap here. You layed down on the op table, it wasn't especially comfortable but you found a position on your side which was bearable. The snake curled up next to you.


You jolted up, sweating, your whole body felt like it was on fire. Every inch of your skin and your insides burned, you grunted from the pain, sweat was dripping down your face and rivers of tears started streaming out of your eyes. Then you could here the voices again, your dead clan mates were calling for help again. You jumped from the operation table and turned around but everything seemed so eerily normal. Everything expect yourself. You started to scream as it got worse, the mental and physical agony was just just unbearable.

"HELP PLEASE! " You screamed. "ORO- OROCHI- MARU PLEASE!!" Nothing happened. You fell to the ground and got into a fetal position. Crying profusely. Shutting your eyes, trying to escape this horrible situation. As you closed your eyes the hallucinations got worse. You could see glimpses of faces, corpses, blood-

You felt a gentle hand on your back. "I see..." The familiar voice said. "This didn't turn out so good after all..." Then the hand left your back, it was so comforting for some reason but now you felt alone again. You didn't have to wait long until he returned. "You need to listen to me. Take deep breaths and try to get up." As he saw that you were unable to move, he easily picked you up and set you down on the table. Now you were able to open your eyes and looked into his yellow ones. He looked worried. Supporting you, he helped you sit up. "Here drink this, it'll help." He spoke and handed you a small cup filled about half way with some liquid.

You just wanted this to finally stop so you quickly snatched the cup from his hands and downed its contents. First nothing changed and your panic started to get worse again. He realized this and grabbed your arm, squeezing it, trying to comfort you. You didn't know why but somehow the feeling of fear and the urge to run away, that was always present when you were near him was gone right now, the only thing emitting from him was this feeling of comfort, you didn't really understand how this was possible after yesterday. You were so scared that he would leave and you'd be all alone again, so in your panic, with your other hand you got ahold of his arm and pulled him closer, hugging him. Normally you would've never done something like this but at moment you couldn't think straight. Of yours he just seemed stiff and didnt return the hug, but it still helped you. He didn't do anything at first but as he felt your body slowly relaxing, he gently pushed you away, taking a step back. His expression neutral. This didn't seem to affect him at all, at least he wasn't angry.

"It seems you feel better?" He asked raising a brow. You nodded, drenched in sweat and your face crusted with salt from all the tears. He locked eyes with you, looking serious. "This was an unexpected reaction, I think I'll have to work on this one a little longer." He turned his back towards you and inspected the empty syringe from earlier.

"I need you to stay here a little longer, I have to find out what caused this and if this did any lasting damage to your body." He gave you another cup with a liquid that looked like water. "Please drink this." You put the cup to your lips and downed this one as well. It didn't take long until you felt sleepy. Unable to keep your eyes open any longe you fell into a deep slumber.


You blinked a few times. You were confused... What happened, where were you? You took a look around and realized that you were inside your room. "Ughh..." You moaned, your head hurt a little. There was this weird dream, Orochimaru tried to do something with you but it failed horribly... Then you noticed you were wearing that hospital gown again and had a few bandages wrapped around your body. It wasn't a dream. This really happened. You decided to try and sleep more, since you felt pretty worn out...


Knock, knock. Knock, knock. And then a door opening. "Y/N, wake up." You opened your eyes and saw Kabuto standing next to your bed. "It's been 3 days, I think you've got enough rest." he said, having no empathy for your situation. Wait, 3 days?? That's how long you were sleeping. Orochimaru and his training, you missed it. But then you noticed that he probably knew of all of this, since he put you to sleep back then.

Kabuto saw your concentrated face and raised an eyebrow. "Well, I don't have the nerves to explain all of this, Orochimaru wants to see you to check on you, how youre doing after what happened. Follow me." It was almost funny how often you've heard that the past days. And once again the person saying it couldn't care less and just started walking so you had to hurry and try to catch up. To your surprise, walking was quite easy, just a slight pain in your muscles and a headache, nothing too serious though. You followed him, until you two reached Orochimaru's lab. "Wait for him there." Were Kabutos last words to you before he left.

You went inside the now pretty familiar room. You sat on the op table once again. Remembering what stuff had happened to you here already. Another event also crossed your mind. How you hugged him. You had completely forgotten about that until now. Stupid you from the past, why would you do something so weird and embarrassing. You're cheeks flushed, remembering this moment. Maybe you should just try and pretend you forgot about it and thought it never happened in the first place. Right now you wished you could punch your past self in the face. That was so out of place, you barely knew this man.

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