16 - Venom

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It was already dark when you returned to the inn, Orochimaru had made you practice almost all day, mostly by duelling him, he was a strict teacher so it went on until he was satisfied with you. Eventhough you didn't want to admit it, you fell more more of his tricks but you wanted to make yourself think that the reason for this was that he was a really powerful shinobi, not that you were weak. Maybe it was both though.

You were starving, praying that he'd at least let you use the service that the inn provided of warm meals and maybe even the hot springs. You sighed just thinking about soaking in the hot springs right now. So far, you had only ever been to the hot springs by yourself, thinking of maybe finally going with someone else, a traveling companion, felt like you finally had found somewhere to belong.


You layed down on the tatami floor, staring at the ceiling. Orochimaru had given you the key and said he had something to take care of, so you were alone in the room. This felt like the first time in days where you got the opportunity to relax. You closed your eyes and took a few deep breaths. Trying not to think about everything that troubled you for once, but your mind was wondering, about konoha and about naruto and the others. You were wondering what they were doing right now. What did they think of you?

Your thinking got interrupted by the sliding door opening, you slightly opened your eyes and turned your head to face the door, making a few strands of hair fall in your face.

It was not a big surprise to see Orochimarus legs and then his face from below, the view was kind of like when you first met him and stumbled. Back then you were frightened of him but that had changed and you were not exactly sure if you were fond of this change. Well it is what it is.

He kneeled down slightly. "Come on, you must be hungry." His voice sounded unusually gentle. Maybe he was just showing his appreciation for your effort like this? He got up again and walked towards the door, waving his hand, signaling you to come follow. You awkwardly forced your heavy body to get up, it was for food after all.


The inns restaurant was pretty small and the two of you sat at a little table in a corner, opposite of each other. The restaurant was almost completely full of people which made you anxious they would recognize you. Afterall Orochimaru had changed his appearance again but you looked the same.

"Won't someone recognize me?" You whispered, gaining your masters attention, who had been studying the menu. "You really think you're more famous than you actually are, don't you?" He answered coldly. You looked at the floor. Was your understanding of the position you were in, really that off? It made you feel a little at ease though, maybe you didn't have to be as scared as you were.


You had ordered a bowl of ramen and were already drooling just thinking about it. Let's see if they can compare to Ichiraku's! You went there so often since you were too lazy to cook for yourself and would often happen upon Naruto while enjoying your meal. Naruto...

When the food finally arrived you started digging in.
While slurping your noodles, you took a glance at Orochimarus plate, you were curious what he had ordered, realizing you had never seen him eat before. What would someone like Orochimaru eat?  You weren't quite sure but it looked like tamago-don. If you were closer with him, you'd ask if you could have a bite, but that seemed like a bad idea.


You had finished eating your third bowl and finally felt full, this was the best meal you had in a while, couldn't compare to Ichiraku's but it was way better than anything you had expected from this shabby looking place. You sighed in satisfaction but were kind of sad you couldn't enjoy another bowl tomorrow. Orochimaru had his arms crossed, observing your reaction. Sorry, not everyone could survive on this little food.

You decided to break the awkward silence by making small talk. "Was it good?" You couldn't think of another topic besides the food right now. Orochimaru cocked his head, kind of surprised you were trying to talk, he didn't mind though. "Well, it's better than most stuff we get down in the hideout." You nodded, kind of wishing he would say more so the conversation would go on but he stayed silent. With a sigh, you gave up, it was probably useless.


Orochimaru got up from his chair so you decided to do the same. Without a word he started walking out of the restaurant. As you walked past a waitress and other staff, you kept you head low, trying to conceil your face with your hair, even if not that many people knew of you it was better to be safe than sorry. You saw the waitress bowing in the corner of your eye, treating you like every other customer, good.

You hurried after Orochimaru, out of the dining area. Then he stopped in an unfamiliar hallway at an unfamiliar door. He glanced at you. "The hot springs are here, don't stay away too long." With that he vanished into thin air. He had read your mind  again, knowing exactly that you wanted to visit the hot springs, was it really that obvious? Of course he himself, the great lord Orochimaru wouldn't be interest in something so mundane. You laughed at yourself, how you really imagined him relaxing in there, it was a stupid thought. Well at least he was nice enough to show you the way.


Absolutley relaxed and in a good mood you knocked on the door leading to your room. Hopefully he was in there to let you in, no way you were gonna sleep in the hallway. "It's m-" You spoke up but before you were done, the door opened and before you, well it was not exactly what you expected. Your looked upwards, away from his pale chest, visible through the half unbuttoned shirt, and into the yellow eyes. Your mouth and eyes were wide open, clearly displaying your shock. His hair was laying on his shoulders, a few droplets of water, glinting in the light. You quickly put your arm in from of you eyes, a heavy blush on your face. In a voice that came out more high pitched than you anticipated you called: "I'M SORRY I'M GONNA COME BACK LATER-" only to be interrupted by a huff. "Get yourslef together and come in." You slowly turned around to see him no longer there. Dumbfounded you stepped into the room and sat onto the floor. What the actual fuck.

After you sat there for about 5 more minutes, not being able to get the image out of your head, he finally stepped out of the little room that was attached to the main room, you hadn't even noticed this place had a bathroom. Now he was fully dressed in the same button up shirt and lose pants, hair mostly dry too. "You should go to sleep soon, tomorrow won't be much easier than today." He adviced. "But before that..." He paused.

Suddenly, he walked towards you at a fast pace, surprise you walked backwards not sure of what he was trying to do. Then your back hit the wall, with wide eyes you watched him closing the distance between you more and more and placing his right hand on the wall next to your head. You breathing got faster, what was he trying to do??

He stared you dead in the eyes but then his gaze wandered to your neck, like earlier this day. He raised his left and and almost painfully slow he pushed the fabric on your right shoulder to the side, revealing your bare neck and shoulder. His touch felt cold to your skin, making you shiver and the heat in your face was unmistakable. "Orochimaru-" You managed to stammer, but he ignored you, moving the fabric further over you shoulder. In total confusion and panic you grabbed his hand, trying to tell him to stop but he just grabbed your wrist with his left hand and secured it against the wall, you gasped slightly.

Then he quickly glanced at your face, like a predator taking a last look at his victim. He then proceeded to move his face closer to the space between you neck and right shoulder. He paused for a second and you could feel his breath on your skin, your heart felt like it was going to explode any second, he was too close.

Then everything went quickly, you felt a sharp pain from your shoulder, painfully spreading from there throughout your whole body, every last inch of it. With every second the pain got worse, you tried to scream but the noise was muffled by a strong hand covering your mouth while he bit deeper into your shoulder. Your whole body ached horribly and you started to lose all your strength, making your body feel like a marionette whose strings got cut. Hot tears were streaming down your face while you could only stay and endure the pain.

It seemed almost like an eternity until Orochimaru finally let go of you, making your body sink to the floor, your vision was blurry and the pain didn't seem to get any better. You barely manged to put your hand on the bite mark, the last thing you saw before passing out, was the deep red shade of blood against his white skin around his mouth.


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