7 - Fear

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Left, right, behind you. You looked everywhere but didn't find a place to hide from what was about to happen. You were just standing there, frozen in place, as the door opened and the black haired man stepped into the, now suddenly really chilly room.

He looked really tired but as soon as he noticed you, his expression changed. His snake like eyes widened and before you could react, a strong force forcefully pushed you backwards, your back collided hard with the wall. You spit out blood as your body sank to the floor, blood kept flowing out of your mouth.

You couldn't do anything, numb from the pain as his enraged voice echoed through the big room. "What do you think you are doing?" "No... This is all a big misunderstanding." You could barely speak since your whole body ached horribly. He looked at you sceptically. "A misunderstanding? If you don't want to listen to the rules and do how you're told, I have no use for you." He said, sounding cold, so different from this morning. No use? Did that mean he was going to kill you? You were pretty sure that "no use" meant death. You had to do something before all of this would turn for the worse. "No please..." You started, tears filling your eyes. "I just wanted- I just wanted to find out about my family." His eyes seemed to soften a little at the word "family" but only for a split second, then they turned cold again. "If anything like this happens ever again, it won't end as nicely."

He have you one last glance that sent shivers down your spine. You tried to get up but your body just didn't have enough strength, plus, the pain was immense. He didn't seem to care, it really seemed like this man had so feelings whatsoever. He just left the room and left you laying there, leaning against the wall. The only thing he left was a little white snake, which was now observing you.

You were so helpless. Just like that, in an instant you life could end and you couldn't do anything about it. The feeling of dread you felt, when you were anywhere near Orochimaru, would only get worse from now on. You really thought that he might not be too bad when training with him, but thinking about that now, you could only laugh at your own naivete. He was horrible, a psychopath. But this psychopath's hideout was the only place for you at the moment.

You spent the next hour in the same place, thinking about everything that had led up to this moment. You wanted to return to your room so badly, juts crawl under the sheets and fall asleep but you couldn't move. It hurt so bad, so you decided to give up on getting out of here. You were just hoping somebody would find you in the morning.


After a few hours of thinking and drowning in self pity, you got interrupted by the squeaking of the door. You jumped, since the last time someone entered this room, it didn't turn out very well. You were soon filled with relief. It wasn't Orochimaru entering the room, it was a fragile looking girl with bright red hair and glasses.

She looked shocked to see you laying there, hurt. She walked over to you. "Are you Y/N, the new one? Did you already cause trouble?" You nodded slowly. "Well, I'm Karin and to be honest I couldn't care less about your situation right now but for some reason you're important to Lord Orochimaru and I don't want to get in trouble for letting you die here. Let me help you."

You felt lucky, she wasn't all that nice but still willing to help. About Orochimaru liking you, maybe he did but now that was in the past, you messed up bad...
The girl rolled up one of her sleeves, she had bitemarks all over her arm. Your eyes widened in shock but she just stared at you. "Bite me." she commanded. You were hesitant, so she moved her arm closer to your mouth. You looked at her, with a doubtful look but she insisted for you to bite her. Maybe all people here were weird in some way. You tried to do as she said, just biting her arm softly. To your surprise, as soon as your teeth touched her skin, there was this incredibly good feeling. You could feel shakra flowing through your whole body and the pain slowly started to fade.

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