10 - Blood

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You walked to the laboratory, alone this time. Today was the last day he was gonna check on your health and later today he would start training with you again. You were thankful for all that but felt conflicted at the same time. If you could, you just wanted to avoid him for now, but that didn't seem to be possible and you didn't wanna enrage him again and get all your bones broken.

You opened the door and saw him already standing there. "Good morning Y/N, sit down." He said without turning around, his voice powerful as always. After putting away the book he was skimming through, he turned around checking your pulse, blood pressure, etc. You slightly blushed at his touch. Nothing seemed extraordinary, eventhough you thought that your heart was beating faster than usual. You weren't sure if he either didn't notice or was ignoring it.

"I assume your are feeling good enough to start training as well?" He asked furrowing his brows, looking at you concentrated. You nodded and smiled slightly in excitement what you would learn. "Well, I have nothing important to do at the moment so we can start now, let's go." You both left the laboratory and to your surprise, you didn't go to the clearing but in a completely different direction.


After a few minutes you arrived at an ordinary looking door but as you stepped through, you realized that this room wasn't ordinary at all. It looked oddly like a morgue. This theory proofed to be true, as he went to one of the doors, opening it and pulling out a dead body. Because of your occupation as a ninja you were used to corpses but this caught you by surprise. You felt your stomach turning and you thought you were going to vomit but managed to calm down and get into a semi stable state again.

Orochimaru realized your shock but just smirked in amusement. "This body is relatively fresh so we are going to try something. The blood hasn't started to decompose yet." You suspected where this was going by his sentence. Orochimaru walked up to you, pulling out a syringe. "Hold still." And without hesitation he injected you with it's substance. You looked at him puzzled.

"Now touch his arm and concentrate your chakra onto your hand." He ordered. With hesitation you did as he said, touching the corpse that felt so cold to the touch, it seemed surreal. You tried to really concentrate your chakra and from then on everything went so fast.

You jumped backwards as the arm of the corpse seemed to explode and blood got spladdered everywhere. "You took a few steps back, looking at your bloody hand in surprise, then at Orochimaru, seeking an explanation. He seemed really pleased. Chuckling, he said "I knew this would work."

You did it, you actually did it. You used a blood control jutsu, eventhough it wasnt completely planned but it still worked. A smile started to appear on your face, you couldn't hide it, you felt so enthusiastic. You always thought you would never learn how to do this but now you did it so easily. You didn't really know how to react, so you just thanked Orochimaru with a bright smile on your bloody face.

You tried this on more parts of the dead man's body and it worked every time without complications. You just tried to concentrate on yourself and not think about this poor soul who's body just got massacred by you. You made yourself believe he was the enemy who needed to be annihilated. After a while Orochimaru, who was watching you, interrupted you, telling you to proceed to the next stage. And so you walked behind him once again, this time to the clearing. You felt proud of yourself, worthy to be his student.


Standing on the soft grass, opposite of Orochimaru like last time, you looked at him expectingly. "Let's see how it goes, the drugs effect should be present for a few more hours. Here." He said, handing you an ordinary Kunai. As the soft breeze went through your hair you inspected it, not knowing what to do.

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