17 - What happened

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The nightmares returned after you thought you finally got over it. Everything on fire, corpses that didn't even look human anymore and the screams. They made your ears hurt, it felt like they would start bleeding any second. You couldn't hold them shut with your hands, you were preoccupied. One human after the other, with a look of pure terror on their faces was getting brutally slaughtered by your hand. Your whole body was covered in blood, not an inch of your skin visible, all a deep red.


You shot up, sweating hard, mustering your surroundings. What happend? Where am I? What's going on? Then your eyes started to adjust to the darkness. You weren't in Konoha, it was all just a dream. You took a few deep breaths, wiped the sweat of your forehead and tried to collect your thoughts. Your whole body was shaking, it still felt so real. What was this dream? Why would you dream of murdering them? You shook your head. There was no deeper meaning, it was just a nightmare.

You layed back down staring at the ceiling, you started to notice the sound of raindrops falling onto the roof, it was raining which was quite calming.

You tried to remember what happened yesterday, somehow there was a big hole in your memory from when you returned to your room until you woke up just now. You looked around the dark room, trying to find something that could jog your memory, until your eyes landed on Orochimaru who was sitting next to you on his futon, slumped against the wall. Seems like even this guy needs sleep huh?

As you were about to chuckle at the unexpected sight, you could feel a slight pain on your left shoulder. You instinctively put your hand there but had to jerk it back as the pain turned sharp from your touch. Then it all came back to you. "He... bit me..?" You whispered to yourself. You still didn't understand why, there wasn't an explanation, no, not even warning. You got up, there was a bathroom attached right? You had to go look at this.

As you put your hand on the door to the bathroom, another hand grabbed your shoulder. You jumped, turning around quickly. It was still dark but his eyes were glowing in the darkness. Your heart started to race, you were scared, scared of him and what he was going to do to you. You tried to free yourself from his grip but it was all in vain.

"Stop." He spoke. You looked up at him, the fear written in your face. "You should be greatful, I provided you with an incredible power, just how I said I would." That was true, he did say something like that, still why wouldn't he warn you? Why didn't he say anything? You wanted to spit these questions right at his face but were too afraid of the consequences. Instead you looked away and nodded slightly, your eyes started watering. The dream and this situation were just too much at once. You didn't want to cry right now, like a helpless and vulnerable baby, but the harder you tried to stop the hot tears flowing down your cheeks, the more there were. All you got from him was a 'tsk' and the next order followed. "Get ready, we are leaving in 5 minutes."


You put your clothes back on, your cheaks were still a little crusty from the dried tears but you felt a bit better. Apparently Orochimaru had bitten you to give you this "incredible power" or whatever he called it. Still, you didn't really feel any different, other than the constant, dull pain on your shoulder. Orochimaru had already packed all his stuff and had left the room earlier, telling you to come down to the lobby as soon as you were finished.

You shook your head, had somebody told you, all this would happen 3 months ago, when you were still in Konoha, you would've thought they were crazy but here you were.


You closed and locked the sliding door behind you, with the key Orochimaru had left you. Walking through the narrow hallway and down the stairs, you arrived in the lobby and there he was, leaning casually against the wall with his arms crossed. You approached him, handing him the key. He quickly gave it to the receptionist and then, the two of you exited the building, back on the road you had traveled on before.

The cold rain hit your face, which felt quite refreshing, like it would wake you up from this dream. "Here, take this. You're going to need it later anyway." Orochimaru interrupted you thinking and handed you a cloak with a hood attached to it. You took it and took a quick glance at him, seeing that he was already wearing one. You put your bag on the ground and put the cloak around your shoulders, closing it in the front with a button and putting the hood over your head. Picking your bag back up and shouldering it, you started wandering down the long path again.


After hours of walking, the rain still hadn't stopped. You sighed, staring at the ground while you walked, wondering how much longer you had to go for, your legs ached. Suddenly Orochimaru stopped in front of you, you almost bumped into his back. You looked up in surprise, to realize where you were standing right now. Your eyes widened and you took a few steps to the side to get a better view. You were located on a cliff in the forest. Right in front of you, a clear view of the whole village of Konoha from above. You started feeling a bit sick and for one second the bitemark started to sting but it went away so fast, you weren't sure if it even happened.

"So, I'm already back." You whispered.

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