9 - Feelings

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After about 5 minutes of dangling your feet from the op table he finally arrived. You looked towards the door after hearing it click, he locked eyes with you and suddenly the embarrassing memory played in your head. You were getting flustered and quickly at the floor, praying that he wouldn't mention it. You didn't know why you felt this way, probably because you were scared that it was really out of place and you didn't want to upset him in any way.

"How are you feeling." You raised your head to see that he had arrived at the table and was mustering you, looking you up and down. You readjusted your sitting position, uncomfortable from the siti.

"I'm uhmm.. I'm not really feeling anything out of the ordinary. Did you... You know, did you find out more?" You stuttered, wanting to slap yourself, to just get your act together. He cocked his head to the side, some strands of his long, black hair falling into his face. "It seems, despite how it might have felt to you, you are completely unharmed, but your body doesn't react well with one of the Chakra inhancing herbs that I mixed in." He walked a few steps over to his work desk, turning his back to you but somehow you still felt like you were being observed. "This has never happened before..." He mumbled and lifted a small test tube, looking at the purple-ish substance inside. "Ah, okay..." You answered awkwardly, not sure what to say.

You stared at his back, you were really confused about how you were supposed to feel about this guy. First it was just fear, even before he attacked you, he was just frightening. Since the incident 3 days ago though, this feeling had gotten weaker and the strong feeling of comfort you felt was still lingering in the air. You really didn't know why it even existed in the first place, you knew very well that he wasn't a good person. Maybe it was because he did save you and let you stay here. You were always alone with no family, no team, barely any friends, so somebody taking you under their wing was special to you.


You were walking back to your room. Orochimaru had let you go since you were feeling fine. Apparently your clothes were laying on your table in your room, eventhough you didn't notice them this morning. You decided to change, you really wanted to train since you did nothing the past 3 days but Orochimaru ordered you to rest one more day. Maybe you could take this day to reflect on your feelings, it would be easier if you didn't have to look at him all the time.


And like this, the day went by and it was already time to sleep again. You were really hoping that you could return to your training soon, you wanted to be of help so he wouldn't regret letting you stay, you didn't want to seem useless to Orochimaru, even the thought sent shivers down your spine.


You jolted awake at the loud sound of an explosion. What was happening? Was the hideout being attacked? You quickly got up and grabbed your Katana, without changing clothes. Stepping out of the room you felt helpless, where did the sound come from again? You didn't have to think long since you could hear another bang. You rushed through corridor after corridor until you could saw smoke coming from one direction. You ran towards it and then there was this door, you hadn't seen it before, it was really big and wooden. You could here voices from inside.

"What are you planning this time? I won't let you get through with this!" Then this familiar chuckle. "Do you really think you can do even the slightest harm to my plan, I expected you to find this place sooner or later." What was happening? Was Orochimaru fighting with someone?

You quickly opened the door and looked at the back of the familiar sannin and... a middle-aged man with long white hair, red stripes going from his eyes to his chin, a headband that had the letter for "oil" written onto it. Everybody in Konoha knew him, it was Jiraiya, another one of the three legendary sannin. It seemed like this was the entrance to the hideout and he just entered. You were shocked, did he bring more shinobi?

Jiraiya spotted you immediately and called out to you. "You! You're the shinobi that got kidnapped right? Come over here fast, I won't let him do any harm to you." You didn't move an inch. This was definitely a trap, he wanted to bring you back to Konoha so they could imprisoned you. You glared at him, anger building up in you from the memories, you released your katana from its shaft, ready to attack. Orochimaru didn't even look but raised his hand in front of you, so you wouldn't dare to pass and attack. "Don't do anything stupid." he hissed.

That's when you realized that you didn't stand a chance against Jiraiya, he was too strong for you to face alone. Orochimaru probably knew what he was doing so you would just listen to his commands. Jiraiya glared at Orochimaru. "What have you done to them? I can't imagine they'd want to stay here by their own will! " Well, he was wrong that was exactly what you wanted.

Orochimaru started to speak, clearly knowing he had the upper hand in this situation. "You don't plan on attacking me any further, right? Do you want to hurt them too?" Jiraiya seemed conflicted. Orochimaru stayed in place, you couldn't see his face but it was pretty obvious that he had his usual smirk. "It won't turn out like this next time." Jiraya said and did a few jumps back before vanishing into thin air.

"Why aren't you doing anything?? He's getting away! What if he calls for help?!" You immediately regretted raising your voice but Orochimaru answered calmly. "It isn't that easy, I've known him for a while, trust me, fighting here and now won't get me anywhere. The next time he comes here the entrance will have vanished." You nodded slowly. "Now, come. You shouldn't have come here in the first place, this is none of your business." He said and grabbed your shoulder, pushing you towards the exit. The place where his hand was felt hot, you instinctively took a few steps forward. He looked down at you, not saying a world. "I'm sorry." You said quietly and rushed back to your room.

You felt like you made a mistake by going there, of course you were worried and wanted to help but in the end he was right. You should just behave and do as your told, nothing more nothing less. Your thoughts were only on him and odd feeling that was only getting stronger, until you finally managed to fall asleep.

This night was no different from the rest, the same nightmare over and over again. The only time you could rest peacefully was after passing out in Orochimaru's lab. Would they ever stop? Probably not until you took your revenge on the hidden leaf. Maybe then all the restless souls of your comrades could move on.

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