11 - Question

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Your tired eyes fluttered open, you were once again confused on your location. This time though, you weren't in some unknown room. The first thing you saw was Orochimaru's pale face. Then you started to realize what was going on. For some reason he was carrying you around. You didn't quite remember what happened last, but as you felt his arms wrapped around your body and the unreadable expression in his eyes, focusing on the path ahead, your heart started beating faster and you had that weird sensation in your stomach again. You wanted it to stop.

You flinched as his eyes met yours. His gaze was intense, you felt heat shoot into your cheeks. You didn't really understand why you reacted so strongly to this situation. Probably just because it was unexpected and pretty embarrassing.

"Uhm I-" You couldn't help but stutter, so you just turned your head away in embarrassment. "Do you think you can walk?" He asked, not letting go of you yet. Your whole body ached and you tried to remember what happened to make things turn out like this.

Then you remembered. Your arms. They hurt because of your intense training earlier, you wanted to be of use to Orochimaru. What happened back then? Was it too much, did you really black out? There was this voice... Ugh, you tried hard but just couldn't remember the details. "I'm bringing you to my laboratory because you overdid it. You could've just trained with your katana, did you want to get yourself killed out there?" His voice sounded irritated.

Then he set you down and let you walk on your own two feet again "No that's not it." You shook your head, wanting to clear this misunderstanding. "I just wanted to repay you for teaching me all this by showing quick progress." He huffed. "Dying isn't really progress now is it?" He was right. You continued walking slightly behind him, even though you did feel dizzy, you managed to walk in a straight line.


At the lab you sat on your beloved op table and waited. Orochimaru brought some bandages to fix you up. "Normally I would have Kabuto take care of stuff like this. It's not worth my time." he complained but started gently wrapping the bandages around your arms. Every time his hands touched your skin it felt electric, and you were sure he noticed your unusual reaction, since he looked at the nervous expression on your face with his eyebrow raised.


After you were all fixed up, Orochimaru had one last thing he was unsure about, he had noticed your unusual behavior the past few days but couldn't quite define it's reason. "What has been the matter? Has something been troubling you lately?" He asked. As soon as his glowing yellow eyes caught yours, you averted your gaze. He seemed annoyed by this. "I'm talking to you!" He walked over to you and reached his left hand out, grabbing you by the chin and lifting your head to face him again, he wasn't really gentle in the progress either.

The sudden hot feeling on your skin that was somehow caused by his ice cold hand spread and made your face flush. You averted you gaze again but he tightened his grip on you. You automatically took your hand and held onto his wrist. "Look at me when I'm taking to you." He repeated. Even if his behavior seemed slightly aggressive, his voice was calm and collected. You shifted your gaze, only to see that his face was closer than you thought, making you even more fidgety.

"Listen." he paused placing his right hand next to you on table. So close, too close... You instinctivly placed your hand on his chest but not applying enough pressure to push him away. "I don't know what you're so nervous about but I recommend focusing on what's important. If you learn this technique, I can provide you with an even greater power, that's what you want right? You want to help me reach my goal, yes?" He said threateningly, leaning closer. This wasn't a question, it was an order. You nodded, too scared to break eye contact. "I will do my best, I promise." You assured him. With that he hummed, letting go of you and immediately focusing all of his attention to the many unfinished experiments he had lying around.

You slowly lowered yourself from the op table, your arms still hurting underneath the bandages. As he wasn't saying anything you took this as a sign to leave but before you could go he quietly said one last thing. "Let any unnecessary emotions go, you don't need them here, just do as you're told." Then he was silent again.


In your room you were laying on your bed, staring at the ceiling, still not having recovered from what happened. What was that? You still felt weirdly sick and you couldn't take your mind off of him. Suddenly one thought shot into your mind. Have I developed a crush? You shook your head violently as if that would make the embarrassing thought disappear. Never. Thinking about it made you feel like sick to your stomach. You would never develop feelings for a person like him. He was a criminal, a psychopath, a narcissist. But somehow, you still felt sympathy for him.

You didn't want to think about it any longer, you just wanted to be free from these conflicted feelings. So you decided to lay in a more comfortable position and just try to sleep, to get out of here.


You woke up in the middle of the night. The dream you had wasn't the repeating nightmare but it wasnt any better. In your dream the interaction from earlier just repeated itself over and over again and whatever you did you couldn't leave. There were snakes constricting you to the table, making you unable to move. The thing was, thinking back to it, it was definitely a nightmare but your dream self didn't seem to mind all that much. Could it be that your inner self... No. Impossible. You shook your head once again. You knew yourself better than anyone and that just wasn't possible. So you went back to sleep.


"Y/N..." you jolted awake at the sound of his voice. Your eyes immediately darted around the room to find where he was standing. He was casually leaning against your bedroom wall with his arms crossed, like it was the most normal thing to enter another persons room while they were sleeping. Your thoughts immediately went back to what you were thinking about earlier and your face felt hot, making you start sweating slightly.

You grabbed you blanket and hid the lower half of your face behind it, Orochimaru chuckled, it made your heart beat faster. "What's the matter?" He asked playfully, with his usual cocky grin. "Did something happen?" You mumbled from behind the blanket. You wanted answers, why did he come here?

"Hmm." He hummed, looking you right in the eyes. This man just didn't break eye contact, since the moment you spotted him. It was making you go crazy. "Well... I think I might have given you the wrong message yesterday." He spoke. "Oh okay?" You answered, unsure what he meant. "Well, I do appreciate you training so hard, it's just that... " He didn't seem to know how to continue, he put a hand to his chin in thought. "Anyway, you just need to be more careful and keep your distance from Kabuto."

Then he straightened his posture, made a few handsigns and the next second he was gone. You were even more confused now, you lowered your blanket and stared at the wall. "I shouldn't come to close to Kabuto?" You said to yourself. What was all that about, wasn't Kabuto Orochimaru's trusted ally?

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