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When Anya had returned to the Little Palace, she was immediately escorted to her room. As soon as she entered she sat on her bed her knees pulled to her chest. She had sat like that for a good few hours, before Genya her friend and Tailor had come in. She set a bath up for Anya then left leaving the girl to her privacy.

Though the thought of a warm bath seemed pleasing to Anya she remained in her seat on the bed. The door to her room burst open a few hours later. She looked up ever so slightly to see the Darkling standing in the door way. She stood up from her spot and slowly walked over to him. He wrapped his arms around her burying his head into her shoulder breathing in her scent.

"I was so worried about you." He said, his voice muffled.

"We're you?" She remarked, her voice cold and distance. He pulled her away from his body confused by his remarked. He could tell by the slight pout on her slips she was not happy.

"You're upset."  He stated.

"Congratulations! That's the first right thing you've said all day." She hisses stepping away from him and over to her vanity.

He stood there flabbergasted. Anya's always been known to have a sharp tongue but rarely did she use it on him.

"When we're you going to tell me?" She whispered.

"Tell you what?"

"Cut the lies!" She hissed spinning around to face him. "When we're you going to tell me you knew I was the Phoenix Summoner." He froze at her words. He opened and closed his mouth a few times trying to form a coherent sentence.

"How did you-"

"How did I find out?! That doesn't matter, what matters is that fact that you knew what was I this whole time and didn't tell me." All he could do was stand there which made her even more angry.

"You promised me you would never lie to me?"

"And I haven't." Now it was Anya's turn to be confused. "I never knew you were the Phoenix Summoner. Had I suspected? Yes."

"I knew you're power was different from the others, ''twas the reason why I oversaw you're training personally. When you were fighting Samara during combat training you knocked her ten feet in the air with just a slight push of your hand. When we would go toe to toe and you'd be able to stop me without even moving a muscle. How during the showcase you amplified Alinas power."

Anya looked up at him with widened eyes. She thought Alina was the one that amplified her powers.

"Throughout your years you've have shown me spurts to have me suspect you were the Phoenix Summoner, do you know the story that gave light to the existed of the Phoenix Summoner?" Anya shook her head, she's heard of the legend yes but never the whole story.

"The Phoenix Summoner was created by a powerful force of energy bestowed by the Saints themselves. They gifted this power to a Grisha. The Phoenix Summoner has been described as the keeper of life, the one that keeps the balance of everything in the world. Life, destruction, death, harmony everything that makes the world. When the fold was created, it upset that natural order of everything and they went to hopefully destroy the fold and restore peace. Unfortunately, they were not strong enough and the fold swallowed them completely disrupting the balance."

Anya sat down trying to grasp everything. Restore the balance, the power she felt earlier did feel very peaceful. Why didn't he mention any of this before?

"The world has been waiting for you for a long time Anya, with the proper training combined with the power of the Sun Summoner-"

"No!" She said. The Darkling stood there with his mouth open. She was the second person to say no to him today.

"I don't want this! I'm different enough already as it is. To have the fate of the entire world resting on my shoulder, to have you ask me to be something I never knew I was or want to be. I don't want this!"

"I'm afraid you don't have a choice anymore."

"What's that suppose to mean?"

"The world knows you exist now, that can not be undone."

"This is not my fault! If there's anyone to blame it's you! YOU sent me into the fold! YOU showcased me to the entire world!" She screamed pushing him as far away from her. She turned her back away from. Was what she said harsh? Perhaps, but after everything that's happened in the last day it was something that needed to be said. They stood there in silence for a few moments before he spoke up again

"Fine. Make me your villain if that's what you want. But just know everything I did was to protect you. Because I love you." A month ago if he had said that she would've been jumping up and down in glee hugging and kissing him vowing to never let him go. But now? Now she can't even trust that the words coming out of his mouth are even true. If he truly loved her, he wouldn't have kept his suspicions a secret. The door shut loudly behind her signally she was finally alone.

She hugged her self as she looked around the room. Suddenly like a rushing wave it hit her. The sudden realization that nothing was going to be the same anymore. She was the Phoenix Summoner. She held her hand to her mouth and she started to sob. She crouched down to the floor her hands covering her face as she uncontrollably sobbed, her cries echoing through the empty corridor.


Ooppp.... he said the 'L' word but now she's not even sure if she can trust him. Sorry not sorry.

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