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"I don't recall this being part of the schedule." Anya teases as she steps through the threshold of Aleksander's room. She looks over her shoulder as he shuts the door behind. He catches her eye, chuckling as a smirk forms on her face.

"It's isn't." Aleksander says as Anya walks over to the war table. She turns her back to the table gently leaning against it. As Aleksander stops in front of her he notices a flirtatious glint in her eyes.

"Perhaps you'd prefer to attend the dinner." He questions stepping closer to her.

"Marie and Nadia can manage." Aleksander snakes his hand around her waist, pulling her close to his chest. She looks up meeting gaze, feeling herself each closer to him.

"By themselves?"

"They have Genya."

"Ah. Well..." he inches closer. She feels the ghost of his lips brush against her. At this point she wanted nothing more than to smash her lips into his.

"Then, um... I suppose she'll probably be all right. Don't you think?" Aleksander pulls Anya's face into a deep, hungry kiss. Anya immediately kisses him back running her fingers through his dark locks. The kiss becomes more intense has he roams his hands over her body. He lifts her onto the table, pulling her body as close as he can to her. She grips onto his kefta, soft gasps escaping from her mouth. He moves down to kiss down her jawline and neck.

"Run..." Anya's eyes snap open as she hears the Phoenix's whisper. Aleksander pulls away meeting her gaze. Too caught up in his own lust he doesn't notice Anya's sudden distance behavior.

"Are you sure?" He asks still holding a tight grip on her. She meets his gaze drowning out the Phoenix's whispers. She smiles, nodding and Aleksander pulls her back into a deep passionate kiss.

"Don't trust him...Run Anya!" Anya pulls away from Aleksander breathless. He pulls her back in harder, their teeth hitting.

"Alek-" he gripped her tighter using all the force he could. He griped her arms to the point where she could feel the circulation coming off.

"Wait. Stop-" he grabs her face pulling it till she stopped and inch from his face.

"I thought you wanted this....wanted me." He mutters his eyes going dark. He pulls her into another kiss not letting her face go.

"RUN!" A surge of power bursts from Anya, knocking Aleksander into the wall behind him. Aleksander stands up an angry look appearing on his face. Before he could say or do anything however, someone knocks on the door. Aleksander smooths down his clothes and hair trying to look presentable before opening the door.

"What it is?" He asks quietly.

"Marie, Nadia and Genya were attacked in the fitting room." The guard reports.

"Alina and Anya was the target.We have a suspect in custody." Aleksander turns looking to Anya who was still seated in the war table.

"Wait here." He orders before leaving the room. The door shuts and Anya places her hand on her heart feeling how fast it was beating. She was so confused. He was always such a gentlemen when it came to her. Whatever this version was of him that she saw...well it utterly terrified her. She gets off the table ready to leave when a hidden door in the wall opened. Her eyes widened in surprise as she saw Baghra standing int he threshold with Alina behind her.

"Baghra? What are you-"

"There's no time for questions. Come no time to dawdle."

"No! Wait. What's going on?"

"We need to leave." Alina says grasping onto Anya's shoulders.

"I'll explain everything later, but now we have to go." And so Anya followed Alina and Baghra down the dark passage.

The Phoenix Summoner (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now