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Alina dragged a very confused and frazzled Anya through the dark catacombs. The only source of light being the few lit torches that were scattered on the walls. Anya took notice of Alina's attire. She had done away with her kefta and adorned simple riding clothes. She had taken her hair down letting it fall down her back and any bit of jewelry she had been wearing was removed.

The two girls, led by Baghra entered into a large chamber. Anya surveyed her surroundings realizing she was in the Palaces armory.

"Hurry now!" Baghra's voice cuts silence. "You must leave this place!" Anya stops in her tracks which in turn causes Alina to tug on her arm. Alina turns around to face Anya.

"Anya, come on we need to leave!" Alina tugs on Anya's arm.

"No! Not until someone tells me what's going on!" Baghra quickly turns, striding towards Anya.

"Now! Before it's too late!" Baghra urges.


"I'm trying to save you two from living the rest of your lives as slaves." Anya's widened in disbelief at Baghra's revelation.

"Slaves? But... Surely whatever is wrong Aleksander can help." Anya assures.

"I'm trying to save you from Aleksander." She reveals. Anya's brow furrowed in confusion. Baghra sighs placing a firm grip on Anya's shoulder.

"Whatever he told you, is not true. He plans to expand the Fold and use it as a weapon. That's what he created it in the first place for." Anya shakes her head, stepping away from Baghra not wanting to believe her.

"It's also why he forced your powers to reveal themselves." Anya's head snapped up at the new information.

"What do mean forced my powers?" Baghra sighed, before looking Anya straight in the eye.

"What can you remember from the day you were brought to the palace?" Anya thought back to the day. Then it hit her. She couldn't remember anything of her life before her powers were revealed. It was as if she never had one.

"Oh Saints..." Baghra muttered. "He altered your memories."

"What? Who?" Anya stuttered.

"Aleksander! He must have found someone to change your memories when you were brought to us."

"I don't understand." Alina finally spoke. "Why would he change her memories?"

"To hide the truth from her. What has he told you about the Phoenix Summoner?"

"My powers restore the balance, keep the peace."

"When combined with the Sun Summoner. Alone. You are the cause of destruction and chaos. That is why he always kept you so close. He wants to use you in his plot to expand the Fold. You have the power to bend people and minds to your will. Just like you did with Ivan."

All the air in Anya's lungs were knocked out of her chest. Everything made so much sense now. She was never meant to bring balance, she was meant to destroy it.

"That is the reason why he sent his shadows to attack you the day your powers were revealed." And just like everything came flooding back to her. The cave, the creature, the red beady eyes. It was all a means to an ends to him.

"You said he created the Fold." Anya said. "How is that possible? The Black Heretic crated the Fo-." Anya immediately cut herself off, the sudden realization hitting her in the face like a ton of bricks.

"Aleksander is the Black Heretic." Anya states. Baghra nodded.

"He chose a noblemen's name to hide after he created the Fold." Anya shakes her head.

"How can I trust you? How do I know everything you've just said isn't a lie?"

"Look at me!" Baghra exclaims. Suddenly the chamber is engulfed in darkness. Anya and Alina stand their mouths agape.

"You can... But only Kirigan's bloodline..." Alina stutter not believing what she was seeing.

"You're his mother." Anya stated the pieces finally coming together

"My son tried creating his own army with merzost. He didn't think about the people who lived there, what such power would do to them. Turned them into the twisted, evil things that attacked you. The same thing in the cave as well."

"So you're telling me that the volcra were men?" Anya asked the feeling of disgust engulfing her.

"And women. Children. I warned him there'd be a price."

"But that happened centuries ago!" Alina exclaimed.

"He's had many names, served many kings, faked countless deaths, waiting. Especially for you Anya. With both of you at his command, he'll be able to enter the Fold and weaponize it as he always planned. He'll be unstoppable."

"He told me he wanted to make the country whole again." Anya whispered sadly. He did the one thing he promised he would never do. He lied to her, about everything.

"He's had centuries to master lying to naïve girls. Did he tell you how lonely he was? Give you a glimpse of the wounded boy? That he loved you?" Anya looked down.

"He isn't a boy at all. He is eternal. And you never stood a chance.Do you think this was just about you? He's been obsessed with power... with hunting all of Morozova's creatures. You nearly gave him the Stag and Phoenix, Alina."

"And I'm telling you, you must hide." She says leading the girls to another hidden door that led into a dark hallway.

"I won't help him. I'll fight back. We'll fight back." Anya exclaims gesturing between her and Alina

"You're far from strong enough to face him." Baghra admits sadly.

"I thought I had more time to prepare you, but it'll have to wait."


Anya and Alina carefully step through the dark hallway. Alina forms a ball of light in her hands so the girls can get a better few of their surroundings. Anya thinks back to Baghra's departing words as they walk through the desolate hallway.

"Stay on the main path until the fork. Take the path to the right. You'll find food storage. Wait there. There are some Grisha who are loyal to me. They will help keep you safe until I find a plan."

Anya then stops in her tracks remembering something.

"What is it?" Alina asks concerned.

"There's something I forgot, go ahead. I'll meet you there." And we that Anya departed from Alina making her way back towards the castle.

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