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After Zoya and Anya had their little heart to heart, Zoya helped Anya finish get ready for the fete.

Anya walked through the halls adorning a beautiful royal red kefta. Her sleeves were covered in a golden embroidery that ran up her arms and the same embroidery circled around the hem of her skirt. Zoya had taken some small jewels and scattered them throughout Anyas braids.

Anya reaches the entry way to the ballroom. She stands their in awe at the beauty of all the fine dresses and luxurious jewels. She sees Genya down the hallway motioning her to follow her. As she turns to leave she spots Aleksander standing their rather awkwardly in front of the King and Queen. She makes her entrance, entrancing everyone she walked by.

In the corner of the ballroom Kaz watched in wonder an awe as Anya made her way into the ballroom. She was absolutely gorgeous. His heart jumped for a brief second as she made eye contact but then slowly sunk as he watched her approach the darkling with a loving smile. Aleksander turns away from the King and Queen to see what the commotion was. His widen at the sight of Anya. She smiles gently as he walks up to her.

"You and Alina were supposed to enter accompanied by palace guards." He says. All she does is smile at him.

"You look lovely by the way." He whispered out of ear shot from others.

"You look like you needed saving." Anya feels a hand on her shoulder and turns to see Alina all dressed up in a black kefta with gold embroidery. The girls started to converse between each other. Kaz and Inej watched the girls from a distance as they smiled at laughed together.

"They're gorgeous." Inej admires.

"Yeah she is." Kaz says eyes only fixed on Anya. He hadn't realized what had come out of his mouth but Inej is. She smiles at Kaz's smitten behavior. Suddenly a flash of fire shoots across the room over the crowd. A pair of Inferni were putting on a show for the guests by tossing a ball of fire back and forth to each other. Everyone claps as the Inferni bow to the crowd.

Aleksander places his hand on the small of Anya's back leaning in close to both Alina and Anya.

"Are you two ready?" Alina nods confidently but he notices Anya's hesitant expression. He raises his hand and places it gently against the side of her face.

"You know who you are...now it's time to show the world." Anya smiles grabbing onto the pendant which didn't go unnoticed by Kaz.

"She kept it." He thought. Aleksander turned away from the girls and stood on the stage to address the guests.

"Their names are Alina Starkov and Anya Djar. And they will bring liberation to us all." He announces holding his hand out gesturing for them. Together the girls step onto the stage. Anya looked down at Aleksander who gave her a nod. He clasps his hands together covering the room in darkness. Anya took a deep breath and slowly raised her hands summoning her power.

Her veins began to glow giving soft light to the dark room. She felt her eyes light up and her hair raise. Her orange tendrils flew around the room dissolving the shadows. Alina then summoned a ball of light that collided with Anya's tendrils creating a nova affect. Their combined lights break through the shadows. They grasped each other's hands causing a bright light to explode through the room banishing every inch of shadows.

The audience gasped as they finished their presentation. Slowly each and every one of them rose their fingers to their forehead bringing it down to their chests and kneeled down in front of them.

"Sankta Alina and Anya." They all muttered. The girls smiles to each other pulling the other into a bone crushing hug.


I'm struggling guys it's getting to the point where I just want to finish this and move on to another story so I'm sorry if the last few chapters are not as good. I'll still try my best though.

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