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The soft thuds of Anya's boot echoed throughout the grand library. She strode down the numerous aisles gently gliding her hand against the old books. She adorned her new kefta. Her hair was pulled back into two dutchbraids that were tied into a low ponytail.

She gently grazed her fingers over a few of the binds before grabbing one that caught her interest. She pulled it out examining it.

"The Legend of the Phoenix..." she muttered. She gasped as an image flashed through her mind. A large bird with a long tail flying through the air around a deer with large horns forming what looked like a sun.

She shook her head waking herself up. Soft thuds echoed behind her. She looked over her shoulder clutching the book to her chest.

"I see you survived combat training." Anya chuckled as Alina walked up to her. Alina adorned a blue kefta with golden embroidery.

"Is it always that rigorous?" She asks.

"You'll get use to it. It won't always be that hard." Alina nodded.

"How'd it go?" Anya asked turning her body to fully face Alina.

"Well, other than getting knocked on my arse by Zoya...is she always like this?"

"You mean someone who constantly has to prove she's better at everything and everyone. Yeah she's been like that ever since we were kids. She may seem rough and mean on the outside but once you get to know her and her you, she'll do anything for you." Anya said smiling about her friend.

"What do you have there?" Alina said nodding towards the book in Anya's arm.

"I'm not sure." Anya answered looking down at the book.

"I'm guessing its more of an in depth explanation of the Phoenix Summoner and the power they- I wield." She said correcting herself. Alina caught her correction even though it was very subtle.

"You seem just as unsure as I am about this whole situation." Alina stated. Anya sighed pursing her lips.

"Honestly, like you I grew up believing that the Sun Summoner and the Phoenix Summoner were nothing but myths told to children at bedtime. But to suddenly become the thing you were told would never exist...it feels like..."

"Everything you thought you knew was a lie?" Alina says continuing hey. Anya nods.

"I'm just so scared that I'm going to let everyone down. Growing up I always knew my power was strong. For awhile I just thought I was some Inferni...I don't know the first thing about being the Phoenix Summoner. I'm not even sure of what that entails.

Alina nods stepping closer to the girl rubbing her hand down Anya's arm.

"Then we'll figure it out together." Alina peers over to the books besides Anya and reaches for one she recognized.

"I know you."

"The Lives of Saints?" Anya asked quizzically.

"You've read it?"

"One does not live in the Little Palace without reading 'The Lives of Saints'. It's almost mandatory." Anya chuckles.

"You like books?" A voice says behind Anya making her jump in surprise. She turned around to see the Kings apparat standing there. Anya's never liked him, always found him to rodent like scuttling around the palace putting his nose into Grisha business.

"You are well read aren't you?" He asks his question directed to Alina. He didn't need to ask Anya he had known her since she was a little girl. He knows how powerful she is, and how smart.

"Educated?" He continues.

"The headmistress where I grew up said that because I didn't possess any physical talent, I should possess knowledge." Alina replied wary of the man.

"Isn't that lovely of her? I am the Kings spiritual advisor. I wanted us to be friends, it is important that we are friends." He presses stepping closer to the girls, who reeled back from the creepy man.

"Curious about the lore of the Phoenix and Stag are you?" He says. Anya looked down to the book against her chest and quickly moved to place it around her back. She didn't trust the man, she's lived in the Little Palace long enough to know you can't truly trust anyone.

"We were just researching." Anya says.

"Well let me curate some reading for you." He says turning to face the shelves before pulling out a large book that looks as if it hadn't been touched in years. He placed the book down opening it to a certain page.

"It all began with this man, one of the first Grisha recorded in history." Anya and Alina step closer peering down at the book.

"The Bonesmith. He knew the Grisha would always be persecuted, and so he worked on a plan to magnify their powers."

"Bonesmith?" Alina asks aghast.

"Legend has it he made creatures from his own finger bones." Anya explains.

"It is no legend. Attuned only to the Grisha they learned that by killing these mythical creatures and melding a piece into their bodies would amplify their abilities. Sometimes the gain was minor but with the right binding the increase in power was astonishing. At least that's what we thought until recently when the two of you created a force so powerful it shakes the ground itself."

"What do you mean?" Anya asks squinting her eyes.

"It had always been said that when Sun and Phoenix Summoners powers were combined, they would create a force so powerful it would shake life itself creating something that had never been before." He stepped closer to Anya getting extremely close to her.

"You have no idea what you truly possess do you? What lives inside your very skin?" He whispers bringing a finger up to Anya's cheek. Anya's breath hitched and she stepped away from the apparat tugging Alina with her.

"Thank you...but we should be going."

"Of course." He says bowing. "Baghra awaits."

Anya pulled Alina out of the library wanting to get as far away from the man as possible. Once a safe distance away Alina turns to Anya her brows furrowed.

"Who's Baghra?"


I'M ALIVE....so sorry about the wait. I have been working a lot the last couple of weeks and I've been too exhausted when I get home to do anything. I'll try to be faster with the next chapter.

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