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"Why do I have to wear this stupid thing?" Anya and Alina trudge down a flight a steps wearing a sheer face covering with golden embroidery. Anya wears her blue kefta that Genya was able fix up and Alina wore a First Army uniform with the same face covering.

"This is ridiculous! No army uniform requires a veil." Alina states.

"First or Second Army." Anya adds.

"Saints, there's two of them." Genya exhales rolling her eyes. Alina decided to start blowing the veil out of her face.

"Stop that! No one can see either of you until King Pyotr does." Genya exclaims.

"Which I don't understand." Anya says coming to a stand still. "People already know who I am." She says lifting the veil

"People know Anya Djar, a Second Army Soldier and advisor to General Kirigan. They don't know Anya Djar, the Phoenix Summoner, the one who will help tear down the fold and bring the balance back."

"They both sound like the same person to me underneath all that." Anya frowns.

"They are, but no one has to know that, right?" Genya smirks lowering Anya's veil.


"This outfit is ridiculous." Alina states looking herself over in a passing mirror.

"Sadly, this is how King Pyotr sees the First Army." Anya says as they walk down a hallway heading to the grand throne room.

"He cares little from mud, blood, or sacrifice." Genya continues.

"Shouldn't I be in a kefta like Anya?"

"Oh no." Genya gasps. "The king expects to see a humble girl plucked from the ranks of his army. You'll both get new ones once he's witnessed your powers."


"Great" Anya and Alina groan at the same time.


"Has anyone ever escaped the Little Palace?" Alina questions as they reach the courtyard.

"Planning on making a break for it?" Anya jumps not even hearing General Kirigan come up beside them.

"Saints." Alina says looking out into the grand courtyard at the Palace.

"I think the Grand Palace is the ugliest building I've ever seen." Kirigan says as he walks with Anya and Alina towards the palace.

"Definitely." Anya says causing Kirigan to chuckle fondly.

"How was your rest?" He asks both girls but mainly looking at Anya knowing what happens at night.

"Restless." Both girls reply.

"Despite Genya's magic-" Alina begins to say only to be cut off by Kirigan.

"It's science, or rather Small Science, we do not conjure of nothing. We manipulate which already exists around us."

"You make it sound easy." Alina says glumly.

"A bird makes flight easy, but it was born to do so."

"When it's ready."

"So be ready."

Before they could enter the Grand Palace, Anya gently grabs hold of Kirigan's arm. He looks down at her with raised brows.

"Can I talk real quick, privately." He nods taking her into a secluded room just outside of the doors to the throne room.

Anya lifts us her veil to look at him the eyes. She fiddles with the sleeves of her kefta for a few moments before gaining the courage to speak.

"I just wanted to apologize for last night....I had some time to think and I realize I was in the wrong for blaming you. None of this is your fault, none of this is anyone's fault, you know maybe what happened was meant to, I don't know. There's a lot I still don't understand about this but I was just so angry, and scared, and confused and I took all my anger out on you.  Everyone's expecting me to be something I didn't know I was and yesterday when you were talking about training it freaked me out and I didn't know what to do and-"

Kirigan pulled her into a kiss cutting off her rambling. She wrapped her hands around his neck pulling closer. He cupped her cheeks wiping the tears off her face with his thumb. He pulled away resting his forehead against hers.

"You have no reason to apologize." He whispered.

"I don't?" He shook his head.

"I should not have piled all that on you yesterday, it was selfish of me, and I'm sorry I didn't tell you about my suspicions sooner. I just wanted to keep you safe and I failed at that by sending you into the fold. You and Alina are the first sign of hope Ravka has seen in a very long time, and I promise you I will do everything in my power to make sure you're ready and if you'll have me, I'd like to be by your side through all of it."

"How about what you said yesterday-"

"Only say it when you are ready, I can wait."

Anya smiled nodding her head. She pulled him back into a kiss before hugging him. He wrapped his arms around her placing his head on hers.

"Now, let's introduce the world their Phoenix Summoner."


This is probably going to be the only chapter I post today gonna be out of town, and won't have internet connection. So Anya and the Darkling made up. At least for now.

Stay safe and healthy everyone and I'll see you next time!!!!!

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