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Anya's eyes shot open revealing her pure white and orange irises. A powerful blast erupts from her body sending a shock wave of power. Kaz and Inej fall to the floor in complete in utter shock. Anya's body slowly rose to the floor and she landed on her feet straight up. Her hair was floating around her head, but instead of the cracks on her face there was a beautiful white and orange flame dancing on her skin. Anya was eerily quiet as her eyes scanned the fold around them. She looks up slowly feeling the presence of the Volcra from behind. She spins around throwing her hand out towards it causing the Volcra to disintegrate. Another dove down with its claws extended out. Once again she raised her arm and the Volcra disintegrated into a pile of dust.

Zoya, Kaz, and Inej watched in complete astonishment as Anya levitated herself of the ground. She felt the Volcra coming at her from all sides. In one swift movement she pushed her arms out to the side sending a powerful blast of energy that disintegrated them all. She crossed her arms together pointing three fingers up to the sky. Her hands lit up and she pushed her arms out to the side dispelling the shadows that consumed part of the skiff.

On the light side of the skiff, the sudden bright bursts of power from the other side caught Aleksander's attention. An orange light slowly appears behind the shadow and with one motion, the wall of darkness was destroyed revealing Anya in all her glory. Aleksander stumbled back in shock with a look of awe plastered on his face. A vibrant hue of orange, white and yellow flames danced of her skin. Her hair floats around her head creating almost a halo effect. Her eyes shone a orange and white hue, and fiery wings burst from her back where Aleksander had marked her.

"Yes...YES!" Aleksander cheered as Anya slowly lowered herself to the ground in front of him. She held a blank expression as he approached her with a wide grin.

"I've finally done it. After all this years, I've done it." Aleksander slowly lifts his hand to cup Anya's cheek. He begins to lean before but before he can Anya wraps her hand around his neck releasing the force inside her. The force circles around Aleksander, Anya and Alina.

"Anya." He gasps. "Please...don't you see?"

"Oh, I see. I have for awhile now. You used me. You used us, just like you have from the very beginning." Anya states, tightening her grip around his neck.

"No...I saved you. Everything I did was for you. For Alina. We could rule Ravka, and make the world safe for Grisha. You and Alina would be feared instead of in fear because of what you look like." Anya slowly released her grasp around his neck, letting him go. He sends her a half smile holding his hand out in between them.

"It's just you and me now, Anya." Anya narrowed her eyes slightly. She felt Alina's presence shift behind her reaching slowly for the dagger Inej had thrown at Aleksander. She lowered her hand behind her back and burned the rope around Alina's ankle in half.

"And we are all we need, anyway." He says almost lovingly. Anya lets out a half smile placing her hand in his.

"You may have needed us... but we never needed you." Anya says through her teeth. Aleksander's hand begins to darken and crack as Anya's power flows through his hand. Alina quickly leaps up cutting the Stag piece out of his hand. The piece files through the air and Aleksander stumbles, falling into the side of the skiff. Anya and Alina step towards him menacingly looking down on him.

"Your first words to me were, "What are you?"." Alina spats putting her hands together.

"This is what I am!"

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